Is there any extension or tool to check size of Dom. Like firebug have Dom panel, which shows all events and functions declared in a web page, can this show more like size of the object, and in how many millis it gets loaded?
I'm looking for a tool to measure all (js)objects in a webpage.
您是否正在寻找可以简单运行自己的工具(例如Google Chrome浏览器的分析工具)或可以在您的网站上部署的工具?
Are you looking for a tool that you can simply run yourself (like Google Chrome's analytic tools) or something you can deploy on your website?
如果您只需要测量,我会推荐Google Chrome的检查窗口。在配置文件下,堆快照将概述页面上正在使用的所有资源,以及为每个资源分配了多少内存。
If you just need the measurements, I'll recommend Google Chrome's Inspection window. Under "Profiles" a "Heap Snapshot" will give you an overview of all of the resources being used on the page, and how much memory is allocated to each.