


I am writing a MSBuild task that adds some code generation to a standard C# project (.csproj). The task needs to access types in assemblies referenced by that project.

这对于程序集引用很简单(在< Reference>中获取所有项),但是对其他项目的引用(< ProjectReference>)则变得更加困难

This is simple for assembly references (get all items in <Reference>), but it gets harder for references to other projects (<ProjectReference>)

MSBuild是否提供一种从< ProjectReference>中检索编译的程序集引用的方法?

Does MSBuild provide a way to retrieve a compiled assembly reference from a <ProjectReference>?


If not, is there a simple way to resolve that name by reading the .csproj file?


The .csproj file does not directly provide the compiled assembly path, it has to be reconstructed from other properties. Also, some of the properties are conditional (depending on Debug/Release configuration), so using a simple XPath reader wouldn't work:

Dll文件名可以从< AssemblyName>获得,但是Dll文件的写入路径位于

Dll file name can be obtained from <AssemblyName>, but the path where the Dll file is written is in

<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">


Is there a way to programmatically read the .csproj file and resolve the correct value of OutputPath by evaluating all conditions?


I need a solution where the referenced .csproj files remain plain old project files (no modifications to the csproj files that would add the necessary information in a more accessible way)



<Target Name="CopyDllsFromDependentProjects">
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectReference)" Targets="Build" BuildInParallel="true" Condition="'%(Name)'=='ProjectA' Or '%(Name)'=='ProjectB'">
  <Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="OutputAssemblies" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(OutputAssemblies)" DestinationFolder="$(PostBuildDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />


in to your project and call it like this:

 <Target Name="AfterCompile" DependsOnTargets="CopyDllsFromDependentProjects" />



This involves MSBuilding the dependencies to work out the outputs (the info cant statically be derived due to the way in which inclusions are processed in MSBuild - e.g., where would TeamBuild put the outputs?).

《 MSBuild Engine内幕》一书非常适合深入探讨这种胡说八道.

The Inside the MSBuild Engine book is great for digging into this sort of nonsense.


09-05 09:50