Ok so let's say I have this table
id | type | value
1 | color | blue
2 | plants| apple
3 | color | red
4 | color | yellow
5 | plants| grapes
6 | things| cellphone
如何进行单个查询(或可能带有子查询)以返回每个 type
的 2 行(如果数据较少,则更少).
How can I make a single query (or maybe with subqueries) to return 2 (or less if there are less data) rows for EACH type
I can do this for individual queries:
select * from `example` where `type` = 'color' limit 2
我不能只使用 where in
I couldn't just use where in
coz this will NOT return an EQUAL number of results.
预期结果:(每种类型 2 个或更少)
Expected results: (2 or less for each type)
id | type | value
1 | color | blue
2 | plants| apple
3 | color | red
5 | plants| grapes
6 | things| cellphone
顺便说一句,我正在使用 laravel eloquent,但是原始的也可以.
I'm using laravel eloquent for this btw, but a raw one is ok.
使用 row_number()
select t.*
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by type order by id) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum <= 2;