


I have a small tool I use for testing a webservice.


It can either call the webservice using POST or using GET.


The code for using POST is

public void PerformRequest()
  WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(_uri);

  webRequest.ContentType = "application/ocsp-request";
  webRequest.Method = "POST";
  webRequest.Credentials = _credentials;
  webRequest.ContentLength = _request.Length;
  ((HttpWebRequest)webRequest).KeepAlive = false;

  using (Stream st = webRequest.GetRequestStream())
    st.Write(_request, 0, _request.Length);

  using (HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse())
  using (Stream responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
  using (BufferedStream bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(responseStream))
  using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(bufferedStream))
    if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
      throw new WebException("Got response status code: " + httpWebResponse.StatusCode);

    byte[] response = reader.ReadBytes((int)httpWebResponse.ContentLength);

在$ C $下使用得到的是:

The code for using GET is:

protected override void PerformRequest()
  WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(_uri + "/" + Convert.ToBase64String(_request));

  webRequest.Method = "GET";
  webRequest.Credentials = _credentials;
  ((HttpWebRequest)webRequest).KeepAlive = false;

  using (HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse())
  using (Stream responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
  using (BufferedStream bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(responseStream))
  using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(bufferedStream))
    if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
      throw new WebException("Got response status code: " + httpWebResponse.StatusCode);

    byte[] response = reader.ReadBytes((int)httpWebResponse.ContentLength);


As you can see the code is quite similar. If anything, I would expect the GET-method to be slightly slower, as it has to encode and transmit the data in Base64.

但是,当我运行它,我看到POST方法采用远更多的处理能力比一开始的方法。在我的机器,我可以运行Get-方法的使用大约5%的CPU 80线程,而POST方法的80线程使用95%的CPU。

But when I run it, I see that the POST-method uses far more processing power than the GET-method. On my machine, I can run 80 threads of the GET-method using approximately 5% CPU, while 80 threads of the POST-method uses 95% CPU.


Is there something inherently more expensive about using POST? Is there anything I can do to optimize the POST-method? I cannot reuse the connection, as I want to simulate requests from different clients.


dotTrace reports that 65% of the processing-time is spent in webRequest.GetResponse() when using POST.


The underlying webservice uses Digest-Authentication if that makes any difference.


嗯,这取决于最终的URI的复杂性,这也许是因为获取请求被缓存? 邮报不是默认缓存,但GET经常是(因为它应该是幂等)。您是否尝试过嗅,看看是否有什么不同吗?

Well, depending on the complexity of the final uri, it might be that the "GET" requests are being cached? "POST" is not cached by default, but "GET" often is (as it should be idempotent). Have you tried sniffing to see if there is any difference here?

另外 - 你可能会发现 Web客户端更容易使用 - 这样的:

Also - you might find WebClient easier to use - something like:

using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
    byte[] fromGet = wc.DownloadData(uriWithData);
    byte[] fromPost = wc.UploadData(uri, data);


08-03 21:02