

我一直在通过Google Play的Alpha测试功能分发与亲戚一起测试我的应用程序。崩溃已在崩溃和ANRS下显示了一段时间。但是,过去几天发生了很多崩溃,但此页面上没有任何崩溃。我已经与他们交谈过,他们向我保证已经发生了崩溃,并且他们一直在报告这些崩溃并将其发送给Google。

I have been testing my application with my relatives through distribution via Google Play's alpha testing feature. Crashes have been showing under "Crashes & ANRS" for a while. However, there have been many crashes in the past few days but none have shown up on this page at all. I have spoken with them and they have assured me that there have been crashes and that they have been reporting them and sending them off to Google.

有人知道为什么崩溃吗? & Google Play开发者控制台上的ANRS页面不再获取这些崩溃报告了吗?我尚未就此事与Google联系,但我现在也会联系。

Does anyone know why the Crashes & ANRS page on the Google Play Developer Console doesn't pick up these crash reports anymore? I haven't contacted Google about this yet but I will do so now as well.



Okay so I just checked today and all of the crash reports have just shown up. I guess it can take up to a day or so for the reports to show up.


It was just a case of not being patient enough.



Okay so I just checked today and all of the crash reports have just shown up. I guess it can take up to a day or so for the reports to show up.


It was just a case of not being patient enough.


07-17 08:57