If any iOS app crashes some crash logs are generated on behalf of that app.How to find the location of such crash logs. Please help.
我想在iPhone / iPad中使用崩溃日志,而不是真正使用XCode来查看崩溃日志。
I want crash logs inside the iPhone/iPad, not really using XCode to see the crash logs.
我认为他/她询问了iPhone / iPad内部的崩溃日志,而不是真正使用XCode来查看崩溃日志。
I think he/she asked about crash logs inside the iPhone/iPad, not really using XCode to see the crash logs.
要查看iPhone / iPad内的崩溃日志,您必须转到
To check the crash logs inside iPhone/iPad, you have to go to
设置 - >常规 - >关于 - >诊断&用法 - >诊断&使用数据
您将看到崩溃日志,其标题为 APPName_Date ....
You will see the crash log with the Title APPName_Date....
附上下面其中一个崩溃日志的屏幕截图: -
Attached the screen shot of one of the crash logs below:-