本文介绍了在Android的库项目太多方法参考 - ClassNotFoundException异常的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have library project which I am using in main android project using AAR file. I am getting the famous 65k method limit now which I have expected, but I have few queries.


I have added AAR file in libs folder of my main project and compiled the same in build.gradle.


1) Do I need to add multi-dex support in both library as well as main android project?


2) Do I need to add afterEvaluate script in both project?


Most importantly if we got multi-dex working, we might get issue that in main android project we get Classnotfound exception if any of the class which we try to use is not in main dex list.

编辑: - 我想根据我的测试,以保持上发布更新,以便任何人谁有任何想法可以帮助我们所有的人

在项目中使用的依赖关系: -

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.2.1'
    compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-gcm:7.8.0'
    compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:7.8.0'
    compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:7.8.0'
    compile 'co.pointwise:pw-proto:0.0.5'
    compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-sns:2.2.1'
    compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-core:2.2.1'
    compile 'com.github.tony19:logback-android-core:1.1.1-4'
    compile 'com.github.tony19:logback-android-classic:1.1.1-4'
    compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.6'
    compile 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.0'
    compile(name: 'sdk-debug', ext: 'aar') // my library project

    // Crashlytics Kit
    compile('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.5.1@aar') {
        transitive = true

17-08-2015 - 根据文件我修改了code,现在它的工作,但我无法生成使用ProGuard签署的apk

17-08-2015 - As per the documentation I modified my code and its working now, but I am unable to generate signed apk with proguard.

Proguard的文件看起来像: -

Proguard file looks like :-

-keep class ch.qos.** { *; }
-keep class org.slf4j.** { *; }
-keep class io.protostuff.** { *; }
-keep class com.google.common.** { *; }
-keep com.amazonaws.http.** { *; }
-keep com.amazonaws.internal.** { *; }
-keepattributes *Annotation*

-keep class * extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
    protected Object[][] getContents();

# Keep SafeParcelable value, needed for reflection. This is required to support backwards
# compatibility of some classes.
-keep public class com.google.android.gms.common.internal.safeparcel.SafeParcelable {
    public static final *** NULL;

# Keep the names of classes/members we need for client functionality.
-keepnames @com.google.android.gms.common.annotation.KeepName class *
-keepclassmembernames class * {
    @com.google.android.gms.common.annotation.KeepName *;

# Needed for Parcelable/SafeParcelable Creators to not get stripped
-keepnames class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
    public static final ** CREATOR;

错误: -

Warning: com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient: can't find referenced class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Warning: ch.qos.logback.core.net.SMTPAppenderBase: can't find referenced class javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
Warning: com.google.common.base.Absent: can't find referenced class javax.annotation.Nullable
Warning: there were 1406 unresolved references to classes or interfaces.
         You may need to add missing library jars or update their versions.
         If your code works fine without the missing classes, you can suppress
         the warnings with '-dontwarn' options.
Warning: there were 9 unresolved references to program class members.
         Your input classes appear to be inconsistent.
         You may need to recompile the code.
:app:proguardProdRelease FAILED


I have faced the issue earlier as well, and i was not able to resolve it in last project but this time i need to solve it.



首先,检查出的 - 它说明了如何在非常详细添加多DEX支持

First of all, check out the official documentation - it explains how to add multi-dex support in great detail.



指定的'multiDexEnabled =真正的的(下的 defaultConfig 的),只能在主要的Andr​​oid项目。无需声明它在库中。

Specify 'multiDexEnabled = true' (under defaultConfig) only in main Android project. No need to declare it in libraries.



v0.14.0 of Gradle plugin for Android added support for multi-dex and you no longer need to add the code that you mentioned. The plugin will automatically create the main dex list and will pass the required information to dex process.


Post the results, and let us know if you still have ClassNotFoundException errors.



In their github repo, AWS authors included instructions for how to setup proguard configuration:

-keep class org.apache.commons.logging.**               { *; }
-keep class com.amazonaws.services.sqs.QueueUrlHandler  { *; }
-keep class com.amazonaws.javax.xml.transform.sax.*     { public *; }
-keep class com.amazonaws.javax.xml.stream.**           { *; }
-keep class com.amazonaws.services.**.model.*Exception* { *; }
-keep class com.amazonaws.internal.**                   { *; }
-keep class org.codehaus.**                             { *; }
-keep class org.joda.convert.*                          { *; }
-keepattributes Signature,*Annotation*,EnclosingMethod
-keepnames class com.fasterxml.jackson.** { *; }
-keepnames class com.amazonaws.** { *; }

-dontwarn com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.S3ConditionFactory
-dontwarn org.joda.time.**
-dontwarn com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.**
-dontwarn javax.xml.stream.events.**
-dontwarn org.codehaus.jackson.**
-dontwarn org.apache.commons.logging.impl.**
-dontwarn org.apache.http.conn.scheme.**
-dontwarn org.apache.http.annotation.**
-dontwarn org.ietf.jgss.**
-dontwarn org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.**

请注意,您的ProGuard配置文件中缺少org.apache.commons.logging **项。

Note that your proguard config is missing the org.apache.commons.logging.** entry.

这篇关于在Android的库项目太多方法参考 - ClassNotFoundException异常的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-18 13:35