

在开发Java项目时,我将所有的jar文件放在我的项目中创建的文件夹中,名为 libs。现在,有没有办法添加我的 libs 文件夹到Java类路径,以便我不必添加每个单独的jar?

While developing a Java project, I place all of my jar files in a folder, created within my project, called libs. Now, is there a way to add my libs folder to the Java class path so that I do not have to add each individual jar?


I was thinking something along the lines of a variable or creating a user library.



Based on what you've said, I would probably create a user library containing your library JARs.

您可以使用Window => Preferences创建一个用户库,向下钻取到Java => Build Path =>用户库。 =>然后选择新建,给你的库一个name =>然后添加你想要的JAR。

You can create a User Library with Window => Preferences, drill down to Java => Build Path => User Libraries. => Then choose New, and give your library a name => Then add the JARs you want.

然后你可以将所有的JAR添加到任何项目的类路径通过右键单击project => Add Libraries =>用户库并选择您的库。

Then you can add all the JARs to the classpath of any project you have by right-clicking on the project => Add Libraries => User Libraries, and selecting your library.


Update; to have Eclipse dynamically add .jar files you drop into a folder to your project classpath, you need a plugin called Library Folder ClasspathContainer. Follow these instructions and you're in business.


08-31 03:48