

我正在尝试设置 Netty 以在我的Web应用程序中嵌入运行.

I'm trying to setup Netty to run embedded in my web application.

我找到了以下文档: http://docs.jboss.org/netty/3.2/api/org/jboss/netty/channel/socket/http/package-summary.html#package_description 描述了如何配置一个启动Netty servlet的web.xml文件.

I have found the following document: http://docs.jboss.org/netty/3.2/api/org/jboss/netty/channel/socket/http/package-summary.html#package_description that describes how to configure a web.xml file that starts a Netty servlet.



That sound reasonable but it is not clear to me how - practically - that should work. Say that I want to use Spring as Ioc container, what would be the proper beans configuration to bind netty to the local transport?


Also, how do I start the Spring context? From web.xml?




I personally recommend using spring. It can integrate with almost everything under the sun.

看看下面的链接其中显示了如何将Netty服务器配置为spring bean,然后在Web应用程序中使用它.

Take a look at the following link which shows how to configure your Netty server as a spring bean and then using it in a web app.

这是您可以在Spring + Web应用程序中实现的方法.

This is the way you could do it for a spring + web app.

1) Create relevant spring beans for the server, pipeline factory etc.
2) In the web.xml configure the spring dispatcher servlet.


Note: The above configuration is for running the Netty server at some port along with your web app.

基本上,您可以在任何bean上调用spring bean的init-method属性来启动Netty服务器

Basically you can call the spring bean init-method attribute on any bean to do the netty server startup

您可以按照您的帖子中的链接中所述配置servlet.您可以交叉引用servlet bean中的任何spring bean(例如netty服务器bean),或在servlet bean的init-method中调用它.

You could configure the servlet as mentioned in the link in your post. You can cross-reference any spring bean(say the netty server bean) within the servlet bean, or call it within your servlet bean's init-method.


Yet another possibility is that you can listen to spring application events and then after the container has started up, you can manually launch your servlet/netty server.


If you are using a grails app then the bootstrap class ( a convenience class which is called on application startup) can be used to startup the Netty server on web app startup


Spring provides n-number of ways to do what you require, you can choose based on your convenience.


10-14 15:59