本文介绍了无法在 Angular 2 中使用 PUT 请求更新用户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在构建一个 Angular 2 应用程序,并创建了一个在线 API,它允许我更新具有姓名、电子邮件和关于字段的用户.我使用 Rest Easy 对其进行了测试,我可以更新任何用户,但是当我尝试从 Angular 2 更新它时,数据库中没有任何变化,我想要做的是以下内容:

I am building an Angular 2 app and I have created an API that is online and that lets me update a user that has name, email and about fields.I tested it with Rest Easy and I could update any user but when I try to update it from Angular 2 nothing changes in database, what I am trying to do is the following:

updateUser(user: User) {
    let url = 'http://example.com/api/user/update' + user.user_id;
    console.log(JSON.stringify(user)); // this prints out in console correctly

    let headers = new Headers();
    headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return this.http
        .put(url, JSON.stringify(user), { headers: headers })
        .map(res => res.json());


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http, Response, Headers, RequestOptions } from "@angular/http";
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Rx";
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

export class UserService {

    constructor(private http: Http) {
        console.log('user service initialized');

    // this works perfectly
    getUsers() {
        return this.http.get('http://example.com/api/users')
            .map(res => res.json());

    // this also works perfectly
    getUser(userId: number) {
        return this.http.get('http://example.com/api/user/' + userId)
            .map(res => res.json());

    // this is where nothing happens, only prints in console the object
    // but no errors are displayed
    updateUser(user: User) {
        let url = 'http://henriquealho.esy.es/public/api/user/update/' + user.user_id;
        console.log(JSON.stringify(user)); // this prints out in console correctly

        let headers = new Headers();
        headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        return this.http
            .put(url, JSON.stringify(user), { headers: headers })
            .map(res => res.json());


interface User {
    user_id: number,
    name: string,
    email: string,
    about: string


Anyone knows what I am doing wrong?Thank you!


如果你想从 Angular 通过 HTTP 客户端发送数据,不要使用 stringify,Angular 会处理所有需要的过程发送您的数据.只需使用以下内容:

If you want to send data via HTTP client from Angular don't use stringify, Angular will handle all of the required processes to send your data. Just use the following:

.put(url, user, { headers: headers })

附注.如果您要发送,Angular 会将您的 postput 请求的 content-type 标头设置为 application/jsonjson 数据,由于内容类型检测.请参阅源代码.

PS. Angular sets the content-type header of your post or put requests to application/json if you're sending json data, due to a content type detection. See the source code.


您必须订阅创建的 observable 才能运行您的请求.使用 this.userServie.updateUser(user).subscribe() 来运行您的请求.并且可能会考虑在您的 map 调用之后使用 take(1) 以在 1 个请求完成后完成它.

You have to subscribe to a created observable to run your request. Use this.userServie.updateUser(user).subscribe() to run your request. And maybe consider a take(1) after your map call to complete it after 1 request is done.

这篇关于无法在 Angular 2 中使用 PUT 请求更新用户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 16:03