RAD 7.5,WebSphere 6.1
MyApp - > src ---> main ---> resources
---> webapp
for(var p = 0; p< tabLists.length; p ++){
var anchor = tabLists [p] .firstChild;
var iconFile;
if(tabLists [p] .firstChild.innerHTML ==Search Result)
iconFile ='../ images/icons/search.PNG';
else if(tabLists [p] .firstChild.innerHTML ==Core Details)
iconFile ='../图像/图标/ details.png';
anchor.style.backgroundImage ='url('+ iconFile +')';
anchor.style.backgroundRepeat ='no-repeat';
anchor.style.backgroundPosition ='1px 2px';
anchor.className ='toplevel-tab';
1。)Apache Access Logs。
2.。)Win32的尾巴。该程序是一个实时日志监视器。我高度建议使用文本颜色选项(设置[菜单] - >关键字)来突出显示示例和基于WRITE的MySQL查询中的HTTP 404错误(DELETE,INSERT和UPDATE )。请注意,关键字在您应用它们之后应用,然后触发它(程序不会返回突出显示已执行的前一行)。有时候我注意到日志稍微延迟了不到10秒就可以更新日志,但通常每隔一到三秒更新一次。
这是当然假设您正在运行Windows的副本,它基于UNIX -f命令或其他东西(请参阅他们的主页),所以如果您不使用的话,您很有可能找到执行此操作的非Windows应用程序基于Windows的操作系统。
当你在访问日志中发现404错误时(顺便提一下apache / logs / access.log路径)比较404 REQUEST的FULL路径到了ACTUAL路径的完整路径然后你将有一个很大的线索,你需要修复什么(例如,太多../).
我还强烈建议使用XHTML基本元素并将其设置为站点的基本索引,然后设置var path ='';匹配它。使用服务器端语言(例如PHP)来确定正确的路径,并且您可以使用完全相同的软件副本轻松地在BOTH localhost和example.com(实时域)上获得与FLAWLESSLY一起运行的完全相同的副本。 / p>
RAD 7.5, WebSphere 6.1
Building the application using Maven.
MyApp --> src ---> main ---> resources
---> webapp
The webapp folder is further having the JSP folder, images folder, jscript folder, WEB-INF, etc. etc.In my images folder there is a icons folder with all the icons like search_result.png
My javascript code in someJavascript.js in jscript folder is as below:
for (var p = 0; p < tabLists.length; p++) {
var anchor = tabLists[p].firstChild;
var iconFile;
if(tabLists[p].firstChild.innerHTML == "Search Result")
iconFile = '../images/icons/search.PNG';
else if(tabLists[p].firstChild.innerHTML == "Core Details")
iconFile = '../images/icons/details.png';
anchor.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + iconFile + ')';
anchor.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
anchor.style.backgroundPosition = '1px 2px';
anchor.className = 'toplevel-tab';
However, the image is not getting displayed.
What am I missing ??
Thanks for reading!!
If the image is not loading the absolute best thing you can do is figure out the path that's actually being requested. There are two things that will absolutely blow you away in doing that.
1.) Apache Access Logs.
2.) Tail for Win32. This program is a REAL TIME LOG MONITOR. I highly recommend using the text color options (Settings [menu] --> Keywords) to highlight HTTP 404 errors in example and WRITE based MySQL queries (DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE). Note that the keywords apply AFTER you've applied them and then something triggers it (the program won't go back to highlight previous lines already executed). Also on occasion I've noticed a slight delay of upwards to just under ten seconds for the log to update though usually it updates once every one to three seconds.
This is of course presuming you're running a copy of Windows, it's based off of a UNIX -f command or something (see their homepage) so it's exceptionally likely you can find a non-Windows application that does this if you're not using a Windows based OS.
When you find the 404 error in the access log (apache/logs/access.log path by the way) compare the FULL path of the 404 REQUEST to the full path of the ACTUAL path and then you'll have a big fat clue as to what you need to fix (e.g. one too many ../).
I also highly recommend using the XHTML base element and setting it to the base index of your site and then setting a var path = ''; to match it. Use a server-side language (e.g. PHP) to determine the correct path and you can EASILY get the EXACT same copy of your site running FLAWLESSLY on BOTH localhost and example.com (live domain) using the exact same copy of your software.
All of this is how I run and maintain my personal site (linked in my profile). I'll try to clarify anything you need.