本文介绍了是否可以通过 App Store 分发 iPhone Web 应用程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Web 应用程序是指针对 iPhone 上 Safari 的网站,可以离线"运行(通过使用缓存清单文件、JavaScript 数据库,从主屏幕上的图标全屏运行.)

By Web Application I mean a web site targeted at Safari on the iPhone that can run "off-line" (by using a cache manifest file, JavaScript database, running full screen from an icon on the home screen.)

作为 Web 应用程序的用户体验一旦安装就很好,因此不需要它是本机的,并且以这种方式交付的应用程序可能可以在其他平台(移动和 PC 浏览器)上运行.我'我知道有许多硬件/API 功能无法以这种方式访问​​,但这不是问题.

The user experience as a Web Application is fine once it's installed, so there is no need for it to be native, and potentially, an app delivered in this way could run on other platforms (mobile and PC browsers.) I'm aware that there are many hardware/API features that can't be accessed in this manner, but that is not a problem.

App Store 提供了销售该应用程序的可能性以及供用户找到它的中央目录.如果没有这些优势,通过互联网交付的移动应用将面临一场艰苦的战斗.

The App Store provides the possibility of selling the app as well as a central catalog for users to find it. A mobile app delivered over the internet without those advantages faces an uphill battle.

此外,我希望能够利用现有的 HTML/JavaScript/CSS 代码库(和技能),而不是移植到新语言等.更不用说不需要在 OSX 机器上进行开发了.

Additionally, I would like to be able to leverage an existing HTML/JavaScript/CSS code base (and skills) rather than porting to a new language etc. Not to mention not requiring an OSX machine to develop on.

我在 Apple 网站上没有看到任何提到这一点的内容,他们专注于原生"Objective C/Cocoa 应用程序.一种选择是开发本机 iPhone 应用程序,为 HTML/JavaScript 运行提供 webkit 界面.

I haven't seen anything on the Apple site mentioning this, they are focusing on "native" Objective C/Cocoa apps. One option could be to develop a native iPhone app that provided a webkit surface for the HTML/JavaScript to run on.


据我所知,不是的.理论上,您可以使用 UIWebView 来让用户体验您的 iphone-webapp,但如果您是一名认真的开发人员,那么 1000 美元的二手 MacBook 和 100 美元的 iPhone 许可证非常值得.

To my knowledge, no it is not. Theoretically, you could use a UIWebView to allow the user to experience your iphone-webapp, but if you're a serious developer, the $1000 for a used MacBook and the $100 for an iPhone License are well worth it.

从不同的角度来看,iPhone 确实允许通过添加到主屏幕"自定义链接到您的网站.这为用户提供了与原生应用几乎相同的体验.

From a different perspective, the iPhone does allow custom links to your website by "Add To Homescreen". This gives the user nearly the same experience as with a native app.

从另一个角度来看,您可以通过类似于 Google 为 Gmail/阅读器/等使用其客户端缓存/HTML 5.0 内容所做的方式实现离线功能.

From another perspective, you can achieve offline capability in a similar way to what Google does for Gmail/Reader/etc with its client-side cache/HTML 5.0 stuff.

MonoTouch - 最近这项技术被广泛使用,所以你可能想检查一下out(非 OSX 开发).

MonoTouch - This technology has been getting tossed around SO recently, so you might want to check it out (non-OSX developement).

这篇关于是否可以通过 App Store 分发 iPhone Web 应用程序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 09:53