public class A {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private List<B> list;
public A(Integer id, String name, List<B> list) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.list = list;
//getters and setters
public class B {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public B(Integer id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
//getters and setters
So, A holds a list of B and there is a list of A populated as follows:
List<A> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new A(1, "a_one", Arrays.asList(new B(1, "b_one"), new B(2, "b_two"))));
list.add(new A(2, "a_two", Arrays.asList(new B(2, "b_two"))));
list.add(new A(1, "a_one", Arrays.asList(new B(3, "b_three"))));
list.add(new A(2, "a_two", Arrays.asList(new B(4, "b_four"), new B(5, "b_five"))));
list.add(new A(3, "a_three", Arrays.asList(new B(4, "b_four"), new B(5, "b_five"))));
I want to acquire a new list by merging A objects with same ids. Result list must be like that:
A(1, a_one, [B(1, b_one), B(2, b_two), B(3, b_three)]),
A(2, a_two, [B(2, b_two), B(4, b_four), B(5, b_five)]),
A(3, a_three, [B(4, b_four), B(5, b_five)])
I did manage to merge the list with the following code:
List<A> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(a -> {
if (resultList.stream().noneMatch(ai -> ai.getId().equals(a.getId()))) {
a.setList(list.stream().filter(ai -> ai.getId().equals(a.getId()))
.flatMap(ai -> ai.getList().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
My question is, is there any proper way to do this by using stream collectors?
If you don't want to use extra functions you can do the following, it's readable and easy to understand, first group by id, create a new object with the first element in the list and then join all the B's classes to finally collect the A's.
List<A> result = list.stream()
.map(grouped -> new A(grouped.get(0).getId(), grouped.get(0).getName(),
另一种方法是使用二元运算符和方法。这里使用java 8可选类在 fst 为空时第一次创建新的A.
Another way is to use a binary operator and the Collectors.groupingBy method. Here you use the java 8 optional class to create the new A the first time when fst is null.
BinaryOperator<A> joiner = (fst, snd) -> Optional.ofNullable(fst)
.map(cur -> { cur.getList().addAll(snd.getList()); return cur; })
.orElseGet(() -> new A(snd.getId(), snd.getName(), new ArrayList<>(snd.getList())));
Collection<A> result = list.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(A::getId, Collectors.reducing(null, joiner)))
如果你不喜欢在短lambda中使用return(看起来不太好) only选项只是一个过滤器,因为java没有提供另一种方法,比如stream's peek(注意:某些IDE突出显示'简化'表达式,并且不应该在过滤器中进行突变[但我认为在地图中也没有]。)
If you don't like to use return in short lambdas (doesn't look that well) the only option is a filter because java does not provide another method like stream's peek (note: some IDEs highlight to 'simplify' the expression and mutations shouldn't be made in filter [but i think in maps neither]).
BinaryOperator<A> joiner = (fst, snd) -> Optional.ofNullable(fst)
.filter(cur -> cur.getList().addAll(snd.getList()) || true)
.orElseGet(() -> new A(snd.getId(), snd.getName(), new ArrayList<>(snd.getList())));
You can also use this joiner as a generic method and create a left to right reducer with a consumer that allows to join the new mutable object created with the initializer function.
public class Reducer {
public static <A> Collector<A, ?, A> reduce(Function<A, A> initializer,
BiConsumer<A, A> combiner) {
return Collectors.reducing(null, (fst, snd) -> Optional.ofNullable(fst)
.map(cur -> { combiner.accept(cur, snd); return cur; })
.orElseGet(() -> initializer.apply(snd)));
public static <A> Collector<A, ?, A> reduce(Supplier<A> supplier,
BiConsumer<A, A> combiner) {
return reduce((ign) -> supplier.get(), combiner);
Collection<A> result = list.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(A::getId, Reducer.reduce(
(cur) -> new A(cur.getId(), cur.getName(), new ArrayList<>(cur.getList())),
(fst, snd) -> fst.getList().addAll(snd.getList())
Or like if you have an empty constructor that initializes the collections
Collection<A> result = list.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(A::getId, Reducer.reduce(A::new,
(fst, snd) -> {
Finally, if you already have the copy constructor or the merge method mentioned in the other answers you can simplify the code even more or use the Collectors.toMap method.