


I have read various articles about passing variables around using RMI.


Some of them say that it is impossible to pass variables by references in RMI. e.g.: this one and this one


While others says that it is possible. e.g.:this one, this one and this one

任何人都可以清楚这一点吗? :)

can anyone clear this up please? :)



Important note: if pass by reference means modifying argument value inside the method and change original variable in caller, you can't. If what you want to do is passing a copy of a reference to an object, to allow the method interact with some object of yours... yes you can. The answer explores that second option.


Yes. But it has to be an RMI object. In that case a RMI stub will be passed by copy.

RMI传递参数并以两种方式返回值: / p>

RMI passes arguments and return values two ways:

  1. 复制整个对象

  2. 发送远程引用(它有如果它是一个参考远程!)。

  1. copy the full object
  2. send a remote reference (it has to be remote if its a reference!).



Guess we have a Service. It's a RMI object, published through the RMI registry, so it's accesible to clients. Client can call a method on it (to create something) and the service wants to return a reference to that newly created object. Not a serialized copy but a reference to the created object in server memory space.

import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

// normally published object
public interface MyService extends Remote
    // creates something and return a "handle" to it
    public MyHandle createX(SomeSerializableObj param1) throws RemoteException;

// interface for object that the service will return a reference to...
public interface MyHandle extends Remote
    void doOne();
    void doTwo();



Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port);
MyService stub = (MyService) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(server, 0);
registry.bind("myService", stub);`


Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(server, port);
MyService serv1 = (MyService) registry.lookup("myService");

并且对服务对象的引用可以获得对其他RMI对象的引用。 / em>

and with a reference to the service object could obtain a reference to other RMI object.

MyHandle handle1 = serv1.createX(...);


In this example the method argument is serialized (it should be a Serializable class)while the returned object is a RMI reference to an object created in the server.


The implementation of createX(...) could be:

public MyHandle createX(...) {
   MyHandle handle = new MyHandleImpl(); // create an implementation
   createdHandlers.add(handle); // add it to some structure (just a sample)
   return handle; // return the implementation. RMI will send to client a RMI reference to this very instance


07-16 05:32