当你全局定义一个 struct
时,你为什么不能全局定义结构成员(除了使用初始化语法)?我从 clang 得到的错误是 system_1 有一个未知类型名称".
When you define a struct
globally, why can't you define the structure members globally as well (outside of using the initializer syntax)? The error I'm getting from clang is that system_1 has an "unknown type name".
如果您在函数中定义结构体,例如 main()
If you define the struct within a function, such as main()
, then you don't run into any issues.
typedef struct Light_System {
int redLightPin;
int yellowLightPin;
int blueLightPin;
} Light_System;
Light_System system_1;
# "Light_System system_1 = {4, 0, 0}" works
system_1.redLightPin = 4; # doesn't work
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
# placing everything in here works
# placing just "system_1.redLightPin = 4;" here makes it work.
printf("%d\n", system_1.redLightPin);
return 0;
I would expect that I would be able to define the structure's members within the global scope.
Because what you're trying to do is not a definition or an initialization. It's an assignment. You can declare, define and initialize in global scope, but not assign.
这不仅适用于结构.它也适用于变量.在函数之外,您只能声明和初始化变量.你不能做常规任务,或其他任何事情.我不是 100% 确定细节,但我相当有信心你不能在全局范围内做任何在编译时无法完成的事情.
This is not only for structs. It goes for variables too. Outside a function, you can only declare and initialize variables. You cannot do regular assignments, or anything else for that matter. I'm not 100% sure of the details, but I'm fairly confident that you cannot do anything in global scope that cannot be done during compile time.
int x=5;
int x;
x = 5;
嗯,实际上它是有效的,但会产生关于 warning: data definition has no type or storage class
和 warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'x' 的神秘警告
Well, actually it is valid but will yield cryptic warnings about warning: data definition has no type or storage class
and warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘x’
However, just because it compiles, it will not do what you think it will. Actually, cryptic warnings that you don't understand is very often a good indicator that the code will do something that you neither want nor understand. What this code does is an implicit redeclaration of x
followed by an initialization. It's allowed if it has not been initialized earlier, so this not valid:
int x = 3;
x = 5; // Not ok, because x is already initialized
这里的错误信息清楚地说明了为什么前面的例子编译:error: redefinition of ‘x’
And the error message here makes it clear why the previous example compiled: error: redefinition of ‘x’
int x = foo();
main.c:3:7: error: initializer element is not constant
int x = foo();