我正在尝试从与处理资源请求的servlet相同的Web应用程序中提供静态内容(一种称为Jersey REST资源的HTML表单).据我了解,我可以过滤对来自Jersey Servlet的静态内容的请求.我的web.xml
I'm trying to serve static content (a HTML form that calls a Jersey REST resource) from the same webapp as the servlet that handles the requests to the resource. As I understand I can filter requests to static content away from the Jersey servlet. My web.xml
is as follows, but at the moment I am unable to access the static content nor the resource...both were working separately.
FWIW your original problem was probably because the param-value for the WebContentRegex was not a regular expression. Ok techincally it was, but it is not matching what you probably want. You should try something like /.*.html instead.