本文介绍了Angular 4是否在核心模块单例中提供真正的服务?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试了解angular 4中的核心模块和单例服务.官方文档( https://angular.io/guide/ngmodule )说了以下内容:

I'm trying to understand core module and singleton services in angular 4.The official documentation (https://angular.io/guide/ngmodule) says the following things:

CoreModule提供UserService. Angular注册该提供商 使用应用程序根注入器,创建 UserService可用于需要它的任何组件,无论是否 组件被急切或延迟加载.

CoreModule provides the UserService. Angular registers that provider with the app root injector, making a singleton instance of the UserService available to any component that needs it, whether that component is eagerly or lazily loaded.

我们建议收集此类一次性使用的类并隐藏它们 CoreModule中的详细信息.简化的根AppModule导入 CoreModule作为应用程序的协调者 整个.

We recommend collecting such single-use classes and hiding their details inside a CoreModule. A simplified root AppModule imports CoreModule in its capacity as orchestrator of the application as a whole.

import { CommonModule }      from '@angular/common';
import { TitleComponent }    from './title.component';
import { UserService }       from './user.service';
import { ModuleWithProviders, NgModule, Optional, SkipSelf }       from '@angular/core';
  imports:      [ CommonModule ],
  declarations: [ TitleComponent ],
  exports:      [ TitleComponent ],
  providers:    [ UserService ]
export class CoreModule {
    constructor (@Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: CoreModule) { ... }

所以我正在使用提供单例服务的Core Module和构造函数

So I'm using the Core Module providing singleton services, and the constructor

constructor (@Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: CoreModule) { ... }


prevent to import the Core Module more than one time.



And about forRoot method:

  imports:      [ CommonModule ],
  providers:    [ UserService ]
export class CoreModule {

static forRoot(config: UserServiceConfig): ModuleWithProviders {
  return {
    ngModule: CoreModule,
    providers: [
      {provide: UserServiceConfig, useValue: config }


2) If I import the CoreModule using CoreModule.forRoot() in the AppModule, what happen to the UserService ? Is it provided too?




The documentation is confusing, particularly this line:


There's no danger of that happening if you don't use lazy loaded modules. Let's see an example. You have A module that imports B module. Both modules define providers:

   providers: {provide: 'b', 'b'}
export class BModule {}

   imports: [AModule]
   providers: {provide: 'a', 'a'}
export class AModule {}

编译器生成模块工厂时会发生的情况是,它们将这些提供程序合并在一起,并且将仅为一个模块创建工厂 .这是它的外观:

What happens when the compiler generates a module factory is that it merges these providers together and factory only for one module will be created. Here is how it will look:

var AModuleNgFactory = jit_createNgModuleFactory0(

    // reference to the module class

    // array of bootstrap components

    function (_l) {
        return jit_moduleDef3([

            // array of providers
            jit_moduleProvideDef4(256, 'b', 'b', []),
            jit_moduleProvideDef4(256, 'a', 'a', [])


You can see that the providers are merged. Now, if you define two modules with the same provider token, the modules will be merged and the providers from the module that imports the other will override the imported module providers:

   providers: {provide: 'a', 'b'}
export class BModule {}

   imports: [AModule]
   providers: {provide: 'a', 'a'}
export class AModule {}


The factory definition will look like this now:

function (_l) {
    return jit_moduleDef3([

        // array of providers
        jit_moduleProvideDef4(256, 'a', 'a', []),


So no matter how many modules you import, only one factory with merged providers is created. And only one root injector is created. The injector that components create is not "real" injector - check this answer to understand why.


When it comes to lazy loaded modules, Angular generates separate factories for them. It means that providers defined in them are not merged into the main module injector. So if a lazy loaded module defines the provider with the same token, Angular will create new instance of that service even if there's already one in the main module injector.

要了解forRoot的功能,请参见 RouterModule.forRoot(ROUTES)与RouterModule.forChild(ROUTES).

To understand what forRoot does, see RouterModule.forRoot(ROUTES) vs RouterModule.forChild(ROUTES).

这篇关于Angular 4是否在核心模块单例中提供真正的服务?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 20:19