本文介绍了“触摸移动"安卓系统事件:Transformer Prime的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在制作 Transformer Pad 并开发绘图板.我使用 PhoneGap(javascript) 来编写代码而不是 JAVA.

I am working on a Transformer Pad and developing a drawing plate.I use PhoneGap(javascript) to write the code instead of JAVA.

但是 touchmove 事件很奇怪.

But the touchmove event is quite weird.


I think as I move my finger on the pad, it will continuously to collect the coordinates which Itouch on the canvas. BUT IT DOES NOT!It's ridiculous, it only collect "1" coordinate: the first point on the canvas my finger moves to.


Here are my code about the "Touch && Move event":

function touchStart(event){
    if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) {
    var touch = event.targetTouches[0];

        if (event.type == "touchstart") {
            line_start_x= touch.pageX-  canvas_org_x;
            line_start_y= touch.pageY-  canvas_org_y;
            context.moveTo(line_start_x, line_start_y);

    }//if 1

function Touch_Move(event){
    line_end_x= event.touches[0].pageX-  canvas_org_x;
                line_end_y= event.touches[0].pageY-  canvas_org_y;
                context.lineTo(line_end_x, line_end_y);

我不知道为什么每次我在垫子上移动手指,试图画一条线、曲线或任何东西我想.当手指移动时,只会出现一个非常短的片段.所以我在这个js文件的开头声明了一个变量:var test=0".我发现虽然我在pad上移动手指没有离开或停止,但test"的值仍然是1.这意味着我在上面移动了手指.但它没有连续触发事件:Touch_Move".

I don't know why each time I move my finger on the pad, trying to draw a line, curve, or anythingI want. As the finger moves, only a VERY SHORT segment appears. So I declare a variable:"var test=0" in the beginning of this js file. I found that although I move my finger on the pad without leaving it or stopping, the value of "test" remains 1. It means that I move my finger on it. But it doesn'tcontinuously to trigger the event: "Touch_Move".


What can I do now? I need a corresponding event to "mousemove" on touch pad. At least, the event has to continuously be triggered.

                                                                   Thank you!



Oh, Jesus. I finally find the answers:Please take reference for this site.

如果您在 Android 系统上工作,请记住touchmove"仅在您的手指上触发一次围绕垫移动.所以如果你想画一条线什么的,你必须这样做:

If you work on an Android System,remember the 'touchmove' only fire ONCE as your fingermoves around the pad. So if you wanna draw a line or something, you have to do this:

function onStart ( touchEvent ) {
if( navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ) {   // if you already work on Android system, you can        skip this step
touchEvent.preventDefault();     //THIS IS THE KEY. You can read the difficult doc released by W3C to learn more.

如果你有更多的时间,你可以阅读 W3C 关于介绍'movetouch',真的很难理解.医生很烂.

And if you have more time, you can read the W3C's document about introducing the'movetouch', it is REALLY hard to understand. The doc sucks.

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07-29 21:44