


I have created an Azure Batch pool that is configured to allocate VMs from a custom VM image that I have created.The custom VM image is based on "PyTorch from NVIDIA" which requires an image plan.


When the pool tries to allocate nodes it fails on the following error:


It seems that it's possible to create Virtual Machine Scale Sets with an image plan as indicated by this link.
Is it possible to create an Azure Batch pool with a custom VM image that requires an image plan?
The error suggests that it's not possible but that seems very limiting and in contrast to VMSS in which it does seem possible.



You can only use a first-party Azure Marketplace image supported by Batch as the base image for your managed image, refer to this.


If your custom VM image is generated from an Azure Marketplace image, you can select the correct Publisher/Offer/Sku for your custom image when you create a pool from a custom image in the portal.

当我使用来自NVIDIA VM的通用 PyTorch作为基本映像时,也会产生此问题.正如文档所述,目前无法使用第三方映像作为基础映像来创建池.

I also can produce this issue when I use a generalized PyTorch from NVIDIA VM as the base image. As the document stated, it's impossible to use a third-party image as the base image to create a pool at the moment.


Some VM images in the Azure Marketplace have an additional license and purchase terms that you must accept and provide purchase plan parameters before you can deploy them programmatically.


10-15 07:35