我正在做一个 https 帖子,我收到了 ssl 异常不可信服务器证书的异常.如果我使用正常的 http,它就可以正常工作.我必须以某种方式接受服务器证书吗?
I am doing a https post and I'm getting an exception of ssl exception Not trusted server certificate. If i do normal http it is working perfectly fine. Do I have to accept the server certificate somehow?
我在猜测,但如果你想要真正的握手发生,你必须让 android 知道你的证书.如果你无论如何都想接受,那么使用这个伪代码来获得你需要的 Apache HTTP 客户端:
I'm making a guess, but if you want an actual handshake to occur, you have to let android know of your certificate. If you want to just accept no matter what, then use this pseudo-code to get what you need with the Apache HTTP Client:
SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry ();
schemeRegistry.register (new Scheme ("http",
PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory (), 80));
schemeRegistry.register (new Scheme ("https",
new CustomSSLSocketFactory (), 443));
ThreadSafeClientConnManager cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager (
params, schemeRegistry);
return new DefaultHttpClient (cm, params);
public class CustomSSLSocketFactory extends org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
private SSLSocketFactory FACTORY = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory ();
public CustomSSLSocketFactory ()
SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance ("TLS");
TrustManager[] tm = new TrustManager[] { new FullX509TrustManager () };
context.init (null, tm, new SecureRandom ());
FACTORY = context.getSocketFactory ();
catch (Exception e)
public Socket createSocket() throws IOException
return FACTORY.createSocket();
// TODO: add other methods like createSocket() and getDefaultCipherSuites().
// Hint: they all just make a call to member FACTORY
FullX509TrustManager 是一个实现 javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager 的类,但没有一个方法实际执行任何工作,获取示例 此处.
FullX509TrustManager is a class that implements javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager, yet none of the methods actually perform any work, get a sample here.