本文介绍了为每个文件调用Inno Setup AfterInstall函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to call a function after installing a folder, but the InstallEnv function is seems to be called several times, maybe for each file is the folder (to be confirmed). Is there a way to call it only once after it installed all of those files? I can't use the Run section because I want to do error catching with the return code.

Source: "InputFiles\virtualenv-1.8.2\*"; DestDir: "{tmp}/virtualenv"; \
    Flags: recursesubdirs; AfterInstall: InstallEnv;


是的,每个文件执行一次. reference 这样说(我强调):

Yes, it executes once per each file. The reference says about it (emphasized by me):


And no, there is no way to call it once after all the files are installed. If you were going to run it only once, it wouldn't be a problem, since you might declare a flag variable, indicating that the function was already called, but you want to detect if it's the last call, and for this there is no workaround.

好吧,也许您知道哪个文件是该文件夹中最新安装的文件,您可以根据 CurrentFileName 函数调用,但是我怀疑您是否可以确定在编译时最后安装哪一个(由于在运行时,因此目前没有办法获取要安装的文件列表.

Well, maybe if you would know, which file will be the latest installed from that folder, you might check that against the result of the CurrentFileName function call, but I doubt that you can determine which one will be installed as last at compilation time (since at runtime, there is currently no way to get list of files to be installed).

这篇关于为每个文件调用Inno Setup AfterInstall函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 22:37