


Say I compile the following simple function in MATLAB

function foo(path_to_m_file)
  disp([' Running ' path_to_m_file])

函数foo仅采用 .m 文件的路径并尝试运行它.

The function foo just takes a path to an .m file and tries to run it.


However, when I actually try to run foo after compiling it:

./run_foo.sh $path_to_run_time $path_to_m_file

其中path_to_m_file是一个简单的 .m 文件,带有以下语句:

where path_to_m_file is a simple .m file with a statement such as:

a = 2;


Error using ==> run


However, I know that foo gets the correct path. For example, if I try replacing the line with run by the following two lines in foo

fID = fopen(conf_file, 'rt');
first_line = textscan(fID, '%s', Inf, 'Delimiter', '\n');


foo reads the corresponding line of the .m file. So the .m file is there, and the MATLAB engine can "see" it. Indeed I can even run eval on strings read with textscan.

  1. 为什么会出现上述错误?为什么foo不运行.m文件?

更新:有关此问题的答案,请参见下面的@ strictlyrude27答案.

Update: See @strictlyrude27's answer below for what seems to be an answer to this question.



The motivation for my second question:

I would like to have the ability to "update" an .m file that is part of the project without having to re-compile the full project. Any ideas for this would be greatly appreciated.



From the MATLAB Compiler's documentaton:

设计了MATLAB编译器,以便您可以部署锁定的功能.在MATLAB Compiler加密它们时,可部署的MATLAB文件将被挂起或冻结-从那时起,它们不会发生变化.这并不意味着您不能部署灵活的应用程序,而是意味着您在设计应用程序时必须牢记灵活性.例如,如果您希望最终用户能够在两种不同的方法之间进行选择,则必须同时编译这两种方法.

The MATLAB Compiler was designed so that you can deploy locked down functionality. Deployable MATLAB files are suspended or frozen at the time MATLAB Compiler encrypts them—they do not change from that point onward. This does not mean that you cannot deploy a flexible application—it means that you must design your application with flexibility in mind. If you want the end user to be able to choose between two different methods, for example, they both must be compiled in.


The MCR only works on MATLAB code that was encrypted when the component was built. Any function or process that dynamically generates new MATLAB code will not work against the MCR.

某些MATLAB工具箱,例如Neural Network Toolbox™产品,会动态生成MATLAB代码.由于MCR仅执行加密的MATLAB文件,而神经网络工具箱生成未加密的MATLAB文件,因此无法部署神经网络工具箱中的某些功能.

Some MATLAB toolboxes, such as the Neural Network Toolbox™ product, generate MATLAB code dynamically. Because the MCR only executes encrypted MATLAB files, and the Neural Network Toolbox generates unencrypted MATLAB files, some functions in the Neural Network Toolbox cannot be deployed.


Similarly, functions that need to examine the contents of a MATLAB function file cannot be deployed. HELP, for example, is dynamic and not available in deployed mode. You can use LOADLIBRARY in deployed mode if you provide it with a MATLAB function prototype.


Instead of compiling the function that generates the MATLAB code and attempting to deploy it, perform the following tasks:

  1. 在MATLAB中运行一次代码,以获取生成的函数.

  1. Run the code once in MATLAB to obtain your generated function.

使用MATLAB Compiler编译MATLAB代码,包括生成的函数.

Compile the MATLAB code with MATLAB Compiler, including the generated function.


08-20 03:59