是什么在Apache HTTP服务器和Apache Tomcat?
What is the difference in terms of functionality between the Apache HTTP Server and Apache Tomcat?
I know that Tomcat is written in Java and the HTTP Server is in C, but other than that I do not really know how they are distinguished. Do they have different functionality?
的Apache Tomcat是用来部署Java Servlet和JSP。因此,在您的Java项目,你可以建立自己的战争(简称Web归档)文件,只是砸在deploy目录中的Tomcat。
Apache Tomcat is used to deploy your Java Servlets and JSPs. So in your Java project you can build your WAR (short for Web ARchive) file, and just drop it in the deploy directory in Tomcat.
所以基本上是Apache HTTP服务器,HTTP服务。 Tomcat是服务的Java技术的Servlet和JSP服务器。
So basically Apache is an HTTP Server, serving HTTP. Tomcat is a Servlet and JSP Server serving Java technologies.
Tomcat是一个servlet容器。一个servlet,到了最后,是一个Java类。 JSP文件(其类似于PHP和旧的ASP文件)产生成Java code(HttpServlet的),然后将其编译成的.class由服务器文件和由Java虚拟机执行。
Tomcat is a servlet container. A servlet, at the end, is a Java class. JSP files (which are similar to PHP, and older ASP files) are generated into Java code (HttpServlet), which is then compiled to .class files by the server and executed by the Java virtual machine.
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