


Is there a way to measure the amount of memory allocated by an arbitrary web request in a Flask/Werkzeug app? By arbitrary, I mean I'd prefer a technique that lets me instrument code at a high enough level that I don't have to change it to test memory usage of different routes. If that's not possible but it's still possible to do this by wrapping individual requests with a little code, so be it.


In a PHP app I wrote a while ago, I accomplished this by calling the memory_get_peak_usage() function both at the start and the end of the request and taking the difference.

Python/Flask/Werkzeug中是否有类似物?如果重要的话,请使用Python 2.7.9.

Is there an analog in Python/Flask/Werkzeug? Using Python 2.7.9 if it matters.


首先,应该了解PHP和Python请求处理之间的主要区别.粗略地说,每个PHP工作者仅接受一个请求,处理该请求然后死亡(或重新初始化解释器). PHP是直接为此设计的,其本质是请求处理语言.因此,测量每个请求的内存使用情况非常简单.请求的峰值内存使用率等于工作程序峰值内存使用率.这是一种语言功能.

First of all, one should understand the main difference between PHP and Python requests processing. Roughly speaking, each PHP worker accepts only one request, handle it and then die (or reinit interpreter). PHP was designed directly for it, it's request processing language by its nature. So, it's pretty simple to measure per request memory usage. Request's peak memory usage is equal to the worker peak memory usage. It's a language feature.


At the same time, Python usually uses another approach to handle requests. There are two main models - synchronous and asynchronous request processing. However, both of them have the same difficulty when it comes to measure per request memory usage. The reason is that one Python worker handles plenty of requests (concurrently or sequentially) during his life. So, it's hard to get memory usage exactly for a request.


However, one can adapt an underlying framework and application code to accomplish collecting memory usage task. One possible solution is to use some kind of events. For example, one can raise an abstract mem_usage event on: before request, at the beginning of a view function, at the end of a view function, in some important places within the business logic and so on. Then it should exists a subscriber for such events, doing the next thing:

import resource
mem_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss


This subscriber have to accumulate such usage data and on the app_request_teardown/after_request send it to the metrics collection system with information about current request.endpoint or route or whatever.


Also, using a memory profiler is a good idea, but usually not for a production usage.


Further reading about request processing models:

  • CGI
  • FastCGI
  • PHP specific


09-03 17:28