

我需要一个工具来测量程序的运行时间,比如 gprof.但是gprof的分辨率不够好(约0.01秒).oprofile 似乎可以做到,我将尝试学习如何获取有关时间信息的数据,但我不能.

I need a tool to measure a program's running time, like gprof. But the resolution of gprof is not good enough (about 0.01 second). oprofile seems can do it, I will try to learn how to get the data about the time info, but I can't.


So, who can tell me the steps how to do it, or anyone knows other tool can do the same thing?



Measuring runtime over a whole program's execution is seldom useful with high resolution; there's too much overhead that you generally don't want to include when you're profiling things.


It's often better to measure the execution time of some critical path only, and even then it's often a good idea to repeat the execution of that path many times, to improve timing accuracy.

在 Linux/POSIX 系统下,gettimeofday()通常用于这种计时,它具有微秒级精度:

Under Linux/POSIX systems, gettimeofday() is often used for such timing, it has microsecond precision:

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  struct timeval then, now;
  int i;

  gettimeofday(&then, NULL);
  for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
  gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

  printf("Did %d executions in %.3g seconds\n", i, now.tv_sec - then.tv_sec + 1e-6 * (now.tv_usec - then.tv_usec));

  return 0;

以上假设 my_interesting_function() 是您要测量其性能的函数.当然根据函数的实际运行时间调整重复次数.

The above assumes that my_interesting_function() is the function whose performance you want to measure. Of course tweak the number of repetitions depending on the actual runtime of the function.


08-29 05:32