Settings.System.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.NEXT_ALARM_FORMATTED);
The above code returns next system alarm value in HTC and Sony Ericsson android phones.But in case of Samsung mobiles, it is not returning next alarm value. Can anyone give me alternate code or change in above code that gives me next alarm value in a Samsung device?
凡作为HTC和索尼爱立信的Android设备让我们出去放于EEE HH:毫米AA格式(例如,WED上午06点45分)结果
Edited: I have digged out that, Samsung device gives us out put in hh:mm aa format (e.g. 06:45 AM).
Where as HTC and Sony Ericsson android device gives us out put in EEE hh:mm aa format (e.g. WED 06:45 AM).
Here in Samsung device we can not identify that alarm is set for which date. Now my next challange is to find out the way which give me weekday too.
我试过高于codeS三星设备上。它给我EEE HH:毫米AA格式(例如,WED上午06时45分)
I tried above codes on Samsung device. It gives me EEE hh:mm aa format (e.g. WED 06:45 AM).
所以,你可以更具体而三星设备?我试着用三星GALAXY Nexus,没有问题。
So can you be more specific which Samsung device? I tried using Samsung Galaxy Nexus with no problem.