我有一个用于部署我的javafx 2.0应用程序的jnlp文件,但是如何确保用户具有正确的javafx运行时(32或64位,具体取决于机器上存在的jvm),如果没有,请下载它并运行应用程序。
I have a jnlp file for deploying my javafx 2.0 application, however, how do I make sure that the users have the correct javafx runtime (32 or 64 bit depending on the jvm present on the machine) and if not, download it and run the application.
Assuming that the user does not have a javafx runtime currently installed, the problems that I'm facing mostly with a 64 bit machine with either 32-bit, 64-bit or both JRE's are:
1)Javafx swing部署指南提到使用< jfx:javafx-runtime版本/>
1) The Javafx swing deployment guide mentions to use the <jfx:javafx-runtime version />
tag to download the appropriate jfx runtime, but JRE below 1.7 doesn't understand this tag/namespace.
2)如果32位jre安装在64位机器上,然后如何将我的应用程序安装到Program Files(x86)文件夹中,下载并使用32位javafx运行时。
2) If a 32-bit jre is installed on a 64-bit machine, then how do I install my application to the "Program Files(x86)" folder, download and use 32-bit javafx runtime.
3)如果在64位机器上安装了64位jre,那么如何将我的应用程序安装到Program Files文件夹,d自己负责并使用64位javafx运行时。
3) If a 64-bit jre is installed on a 64-bit machine, then how do I install my application to the "Program Files" folder, download and use 64-bit javafx runtime.
Here is how my jnlp file looks currently:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="file:///C%3A/Program%20Files/HP/Pulse/PulseLite"href="iMonLauncher.jnlp">
<homepage href="file:///C%3A/Program%20Files/HP/Pulse/PulseLite"/>
<j2se version="1.6+" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"/>
<jar href="iMon.jar" size="428419"/>
<jar href="lib/ibase-core.jar" size="197029"/>
<jar href="lib/ibase-fx.jar" size="210175"/>
<jar href="lib/imonDB.jar" main="true" size="156616"/>
<jar href="lib/imon-service.jar" main="true" size="73190"/>
<application-desc name="iMon" main-class="imon.Main" >
<update check="always"/>
The codebase changes automatically, to point to the correct program files folder depending on the architecture.
You miss xmlns:jfx namespace in your jnlp. It should starts with
<jnlp spec="1.0" xmlns:jfx="http://javafx.com" href="iMonLauncher.jnlp">
Once user has regular java installed and clicked on such jnlp file he would be presented with automatic download message for FX. It will find out which java is used, download and install approprivate javafx version.
这篇关于如何使用jnlp 32位和64位正确地部署桌面JavaFx 2.0应用程序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!