


I am working on a WPF application which has a treeview that represents an XML. I load the XML on to the XDocument, then bind the TreeView to this object.

现在使用 MVVM模式,我想要在 XDocument 上方提供一个 ViewModel .我应该在ViewModel类中实现哪些功能?

Now using the MVVM pattern, I want to provide a ViewModel on top of XDocument. What are some of the things that I should implement in the ViewModel class.


  1. 绑定到TreeView上的ContextMenu命令的RoutedCommands,以允许添加节点,删除节点,修改节点等
  2. 在视图上实际修改属性和节点名的逻辑.


Am I going in the right direction? What else should I do to make it cleaner, modular at the same time easy to understand.


Should I use RoutedCommands or implement ICommand interface and create my commands?How about using attached properties for CommandBindings? does it make sense to do it in the treeview app that I am talking about? I am a bit overwhelmed because of so many options available to implement this.


Does anyone have links, sample code that does this sort of thing? A reference implementation may be?




(ui) <-> (xml)

其中xml表示为LINQy XElements,所以我收到了PropertyChange通知.

where xml represented as LINQy XElements so I got PropertyChange notification.


I then added some stateless helper classes to help me deal with xml (expose properties, validate data, etc). I'd bundle up XElements in ObservableCollections so I could bind to them.

阅读有关M-V-VM的信息,并决定将我的助手类转换为ViewModels.问题:辅助类位于数据模型名称空间中,该名称空间对UI一无所知. Helper类知道如何将数据库行转换为XElement,ViewModel应该永远不会看到.助手类处理xml. ViewModel不应该知道或不在乎.

Read about M-V-VM, and decided to convert my helper classes into ViewModels. Problems:Helper classes live in the data model namespace which knows nothing about UI. Helper classes know how to convert database row into XElement, ViewModel should never see that.Helper classes deal with xml. ViewModel shouldn't know or care.


So I'm actually considering implementing


(ui) <-> (viewmodel) <-> (helper) <-> (xml)


but i just balk at raising PropChange events in helper only to reraise them in viewmodel.


11-01 13:21