

我不喜欢Alpine Linux中内置的 time 实用程序,而是想根据自己的需要进行改进-我想编辑 time.c 并将其编译为二进制文件。我已经完成了 apk add build-base 来安装gcc,并从Github复制了 time.c ,但是当我执行 gcc /tmp/time.c -o / tmp / time 时,我得到:

I don't like the built-in time utility in Alpine Linux and would like to improve it for my needs -- I want to edit the time.c and compile it to a binary. I have done the apk add build-base to install the gcc and have copypasted the time.c from Github, but when I do the gcc /tmp/time.c -o /tmp/time I get the:

/tmp/time.c:34:10: fatal error: libbb.h: No such file or directory
 #include "libbb.h"

所以我也复制粘贴了它,但是它依赖于更多的头文件。我在某处看到可能需要 apk add alpine-sdk ,也许它也可以保证版本兼容性,所以我做到了,但是gcc仍然看不到头文件。我应该提供一些 -I 标志吗?

我真正要做的是最终编译自定义的 time.c

So I copypasted it too but it relies on dozens more header files. I saw somewhere that I might need the apk add alpine-sdk and maybe it would also garantee version compatibility so I did it but gcc still does not see header files. Should I provide some -I flag?
What do I really have to do to finally compile my custom time.c?


P.S.: there is probably a SO tag for time but I can't find it.

UPD:我已经复制了整个 include 文件夹,但是它说:

UPD: I've copied the whole include folder but it says:

In file included from /tmp/time.c:34:
include/libbb.h:406:42: error: 'ENABLE_FEATURE_VERBOSE' undeclared here (not in a function)
  FILEUTILS_VERBOSE         = (1 << 12) * ENABLE_FEATURE_VERBOSE, /* -v */


but I can't find where it's defined even in the whole https://github.com/mirror/busybox


UPD: oh no, it's more complex.

/ # ls -l `which time`
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            12 Jan 30  2019 /usr/bin/time -> /bin/busybox

似乎没有 time这样的东西二进制。


假定GNU时间功能是您的后继选择,而BusyBox 时间不足以满足您的需求,只需安装软件包(最近在Alpine上可用):

Assuming that GNU time functionality is what your after, and BusyBox time being insufficient for your needs, just install the GNU time package which was recently made available on Alpine:

apk add time --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing

安装后,它将替换 / usr / bin / time 带有GNU time可执行文件的BusyBox符号链接。

When installed, it will replace the /usr/bin/time BusyBox symlink with the GNU time executable.


07-28 06:29