本文介绍了HttpClient 中的 setDefaultMaxPerRoute 和 setMaxTotal 是什么意思?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在我的一个项目中使用 Apache HttpClient.我也在使用 PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager 和我的 HttpClient.

I am using Apache HttpClient in one of my project. I am also using PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager along with my HttpClient as well.


I am confuse what are these properties mean. I tried going through documentation in the code but I don't see any documentation around these variables so was not able to understand.

  • setMaxTotal
  • setDefaultMaxPerRoute
  • 设置连接超时
  • setSocketTimeout
  • setConnectionRequestTimeout
  • setStaleConnectionCheckEnabled


Below is how I am using in my code:

RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000).setSocketTimeout(5 * 1000)
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager poolingHttpClientConnectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();

CloseableHttpClient httpClientBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create()


Can anyone explain me these properties so that I can understand and decide what values I should put in there. Also, are there any other properties that I should use apart from as shown above to get better performance?

我使用的是 http-client 4.3.1

I am using http-client 4.3.1




  • setMaxTotal


The maximum number of connections allowed across all routes.

  • setDefaultMaxPerRoute

未通过调用 setMaxPerRoute 指定的路由所允许的最大连接数.提前知道路由时使用 setMaxPerRoute,不知道时使用 setDefaultMaxPerRoute.

The maximum number of connections allowed for a route that has not been specified otherwise by a call to setMaxPerRoute. Use setMaxPerRoute when you know the route ahead of time and setDefaultMaxPerRoute when you do not.

  • setConnectTimeout


How long to wait for a connection to be established with the remote server before throwing a timeout exception.

  • setSocketTimeout

在抛出超时异常之前等待服务器响应各种调用的时间.请参阅 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/SocketOptions.html#SO_TIMEOUT 了解详情.

How long to wait for the server to respond to various calls before throwing a timeout exception. See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/SocketOptions.html#SO_TIMEOUT for details.

  • setConnectionRequestTimeout


How long to wait when trying to checkout a connection from the connection pool before throwing an exception (the connection pool won't return immediately if, for example, all the connections are checked out).

  • setStaleConnectionCheckEnabled

可以以潜在的 IOExceptions 为代价禁用以稍微提高性能.请参阅 http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/performance.html#Stale_connection_check

Can be disabled for a slight performance improvement at the cost of potential IOExceptions. See http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/performance.html#Stale_connection_check

这篇关于HttpClient 中的 setDefaultMaxPerRoute 和 setMaxTotal 是什么意思?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-23 15:38