本文介绍了C# PCL 渲染成 TIFF(或其他图像格式)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找最佳解决方案——也许也是最便宜的——来获取 PCL5e 和 PCL6 兼容代码并将其渲染为 TIFF 图像.可靠.

I'm looking for the best solution -- and perhaps the cheapest also -- to take PCL5e and PCL6 compliant code and render it into a TIFF image. Reliably.

有没有人对 PageTech 的 PCLTool SDK 有任何经验(http://www.pagetech.com/pcl.php)?这看起来是我能找到的最好的,但我不确定它到底有多灵活.

Does anyone have any experience with the PCLTool SDK from PageTech (http://www.pagetech.com/pcl.php)? This looks to be the best I can find, but I'm not sure how flexible it really is.


The other options is trying to write my own interface, which would be a BEAST of a project and not one I really want to try to tackle.

有没有开源解决方案?任何拥有 C#/.NET 项目并在 PCL 渲染方面取得成功的人?如果是这样,如何?

Any open-source solutions out there? Anyone with a C#/.NET project having success with PCL rendering? If so, how?


将 PCL 转换为 TIFF 是任何 PCL 转换工具中最简单的转换.但是,转换具有下载/打印机驻留位图和两种类型的可缩放字体的全点可寻址打印机控制语言,这些字体可能会或可能不会绑定到数百个符号集......它充满了惊喜.因此,在做出任何重大应用程序开发决策之前,请确保您拥有来自旧应用程序和当前应用程序的各种测试 PCL 文件.

Converting PCL into TIFF is the easiest conversion for any PCL transformation tool. However, converting a all-points-addressable printer control language with download/printer resident bitmap and two types of scalable fonts that may or may not be bound to 100's of symbol sets... it full of surprises. So, make sure you have a wide range of test PCL files from both legacy and current applications before you make any major application development decisions.

在您尝试编写自己的代码(使用/不使用任何供应商的 SDK)之前,您需要问自己这些问题:

These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you try to write your own code (with/without any vendor's SDK):

  1. 任何 PCL?"没有任何工具可以转换任何 PCL".而且,PCL XL/PCL6 是一种完全不同的语言.HP PCL5e 技术文档上次更新是在 1997 年,但大部分可以追溯到 1992 年.您想成为 PCL 专家吗?您想成为某些 PCL 转换 SDK 的专家吗?或者,您只想支持 PCL 并完成工作?

  1. "any PCL?" No tool can convert "any PCL". And, PCL XL/PCL6 is a completely different language. The HP PCL5e technical documentation was last updated in 1997, but most of it dates back to 1992. Do you want to become a PCL expert? Do you want to become an expert in some PCL transformation SDK? Or, do you just want to support PCL and get the job done?

PCL 是如何捕获的?您知道是哪个用户创建的吗?

How is the PCL captured? Will you know which user created it?

PCL 是否具有您希望 TIFF 也具有的有意义的文件名?

Does the PCL have a meaningful filename, that you want the TIFF to also have?

你要传真 TIFF 吗?您将如何获得传真号码并将其与 TIFF 匹配?

Are you going to fax the TIFF? How will you get the fax number and match it up with the TIFF?

你打算索引 TIFF 吗?你将如何获得索引键?

Are you going to index the TIFF? How will you get the index keys?

您是否有多个文档 PCL 打印文件?您是否希望将它们拆分为单独命名/索引/路由的 TIFF.

Do you have multiple document PCL print files? Do you want them split into individually named/indexed/routed TIFF's.

您是否希望您的所有 PCL 都有可立即搜索的文本供您访问?

Do you expect that all your PCL to have immediately searchable text for you to access?

我们专注于 PCL 转换技术 18 年.我们拥有世界上最通用的工具.但是,仅当我们的 Windows 控制台程序 (PCLXForm.exe) 无法以更可扩展的方式为您提供所有应用程序和工作流要求时,才建议使用我们的 API 编写自定义代码.PCLXForm 具有非常强大的 ASCII 文本脚本编程语言,可用于快速应用程序开发,并且比自定义 API 代码更容易支持我们.

We have specialized in PCL transformation technologies for 18 years. We have the most versatile tools in the world. However, only recommend writing custom code with our API if our Windows console program (PCLXForm.exe) can't provide you with all your application and workflow requirements in a more extensible way. PCLXForm has a very powerful ASCII text script programming language for rapid application development and is much easier for us to support versus custom API code.

我们每个月都会遇到传统的 PCL,这需要我们调整我们的产品.或者,HP、Lexmark 或 Xerox 推出了一种新打印机,在他们的 PCL 中有一种新的专有压缩方法,我们必须对其进行逆向工程才能对其进行转换.惠普刚刚推出了使用第三方 PCL5(不是 PCL5e)仿真器的打印机,该仿真器甚至不完全兼容 PCL5 级代码.我们有许多客户使用我们的工具将编辑 PCL 流式传输到另一个级别的 PCL,只是为了在较新的 PCL 打印机上打印旧 PCL.

We run into legacy PCL every month that requires us to adapt our product to it. Or, HP, Lexmark or Xerox come-out with a new printer that has a new proprietary compression method in their PCL that we have to reverse-engineer in order to convert it. HP just came-out with a printer that uses a third party PCL5 (not PCL5e) emulator that is not even fully compatible with PCL5 level code. We have many clients that use our tools to stream edit PCL into another level of PCL just to print legacy PCL on a newer PCL printer.

因此,在您开始编写仅使用 pcl2tif 函数的 C# 程序之前.我强烈建议您首先回答上述问题.或者,更好的做法是——创建一份完整的工作说明书并呈现给不同的供应商,看看他们推荐什么.

So, before you start writing a C# program that simply uses a pcl2tif function. I highly recommend that you first answer the above questions. Or, better yet - create a complete Statement of Work and present to various vendors to see what they recommend.


Regards,Bob Pooleypagetech.com

这篇关于C# PCL 渲染成 TIFF(或其他图像格式)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 12:36