I'm interested to know which parts of the python standard library are absolutely guaranteed to be available, and which parts might not be installed, dependent on distribution.
I've seen this question but it doesn't quite provide the answer I'm looking for.
I'm aware that these modules aren't always available and that the math module always is. How about other modules? Are there any modules besides math that are guaranteed to be available?
如果您正在谈论标准的Python实现(CPython),则 http://docs.python.org/3/library/index.html 页列出了它提供的模块(您可以在页).
If you are talking about the standard Python implementation (CPython), then the http://docs.python.org/3/library/index.html page lists the modules it provides (you can choose the Python version on the top of the page).
这些是Python实现中包含的标准模块,但是其中一些是特定于操作系统的,或者可能取决于其他平台组件.通常在具有这种依赖关系的模块的文档中对此进行说明.例如.: http://docs.python.org/3/library/posix.html –顶部有"Platform:POSIX"注释.
These are the standard modules included in the Python implementation, but some of them are operating-system specific or may depend on some other platform component. This is usually noted in the documentation of a module with such dependency. E.g.:http://docs.python.org/3/library/posix.html – there is „Platform: POSIX" annotation at the top.
其他依赖性可能不是那么明确– http://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html 并没有说只有在Python构建期间可以使用sqlite3时才构建此模块,但这是人们可以期待的.
Other dependencies may not be that explicit –http://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html doesn't say that this module is built only if the sqlite3 was available during Python build, but it is something one can expect.
Anyway, the Python Standard Library reference is always the best place to start. If a module documentation there doesn't say anything about platform and nothing suggests it depends on any external library or platform specific mechanism, then you may assume it is safe to use. But us other had said – anyone is free to remove anything from his Python build.
在任何Python安装中,非标准库中的所有内容都必须视为可选内容,但必须 http中的"pure python"模块与标准库中的某些二进制模块相比,://pypi.python.org/pypi 对于目标受众可能更有用.
Anything not from the Standard Library must be considered optional in any Python installation, but the 'pure python' modules from http://pypi.python.org/pypi may be more available for the target audience that some binary modules from the Standard Library.