

我在iOSU开发的iTunesU课程中观看精彩的Paul Haggerty(因为谁不需要刷新基础知识?)他说了一些我不知道的事情:

I was watching the wonderful Paul Haggerty in the iTunesU courses for iOS development (cause who doesn't need to refresh on the basics?) and he said something that I wasn't aware of:

然后他继续讨论如何使用@property声明变量, @synthesize variable = _variable 是编译器在幕后生成的代码,以及作为二传手和吸气鬼。基本上,代码永远不会出现在您的应用程序中。

He then went on to talk about how when you use @property to declare your variables,@synthesize variable = _variable is code that's generated behind the scenes by the complier, as well as the setter and getter. Essentially that code never should appear in your app.

在我迄今为止编写的所有iOS应用程序中,我总是使用 @property 声明我的变量我的头文件和 @synthesize VARIABLE_NAME = _VARIABLE_NAME; 自从观看讲座以来,我现在很困惑我是否应该使用 @synthesize 在我的代码中。

In all of my iOS apps I've written thus far, I always declare my variables using @property in my header file and @synthesize VARIABLE_NAME = _VARIABLE_NAME; Since watching the lecture, I'm now confused as to if I should be using @synthesize in my code at all.


Should I just use the property declaration? What difference does it make, if any, if I use the synthesize declaration in my code?

由于Haggerty先生不使用它,那我为什么呢? (考虑到他是一个iOS半神)。我非常觉得做我一直在做的事情是不好的。

Since Mr. Haggerty doesn't use it, then why do I? (considering he's sort of an iOS demi-god). I very much feel like it's bad form to do what I've been doing.


Anyone care to clarify that issue?


添加默认的属性自动综合(iOS和64位OS X)。在实现部分中,您不需要 @synthesize 指令,以便编译器合成声明属性的访问器。

Xcode 4.0 Developer Preview 4 Release Notes. Adds default automatic synthesis of properties (iOS and 64-bit OS X). You don’t need the @synthesize directive in the implementation sections for the compiler to synthesize accessors for declared properties.


@synthesize ivar = _ivar;



09-09 07:40