如何在Maven 3中使用pom.xml中的加密密码?
How can I use encrypted password in pom.xml with maven 3?
I have some pom that use password that are very delicated for us, for example we have POM to deploy in Application servers such as Weblogic or run Scripts in the database, and we don't like to just put the password as it is.
I already have the master password for deployment artifacts.
I am thinking if there is a way for example to generate a password:
$ mvn --encrypt-password somepass
And after that Can I use it in some pom in this way:
Also, I would appreciate an alternative to do it.
我认为Tunaki要求您执行的操作是在 settings.xml ,例如
I think what Tunaki is asking you to do is to define a property in your settings.xml, e.g.
<settings ...
Then use this property from your settings in your POM:
But the tool reading this configuration has to be capable to decrypt the password.
Even better would be to store the encrypted password with a server configuration in your settings.xml like this:
<settings ...
但是同样,配置信息的使用者必须能够读取服务器配置.在 https://maven.apache.org上有一个Maven部署插件的示例. /guides/mini/guide-encryption.html (例如-DrepositoryId = xyz).
But again, the consumer of your configuration information has to be capable of reading server configurations. There is an example for the Maven Deploy Plugin at https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html (e.g. -DrepositoryId=xyz).
所引用的问题列出了 SqlExecMojo 作为插件如何解密密码的示例.
The referenced question lists the SqlExecMojo as an example on how plugins decrypt passwords.