


I'm really new with amazon.


What I want to do is to get amazon product descriptions to my localhost server by using product ASIN number and PHP (can i do this???). I haven't done this before and don't know how to perform this action.

我认为,仅仅从亚马逊网站上获取价格不是一个好主意,并且最好使用API​​.我可以为此使用Amazon AWS吗?我已经在 https://aws.amazon.com/中创建了一个帐户(这是正确的位置吗? ),然后看到带有许多亚马逊aws选项的大屏幕.

I think that just scraping the price from the Amazon website is bad idea and better to use an API. Can I use Amazon AWS for this? I have created an account in https://aws.amazon.com/ (is this the right place?) and see this big screen with many amazon aws options.


Surfing in internet I found some examples but I think I need keyId, secretKey, associateId - to try this example. Can somebody help be get a better understanding of what to do and where to look? Thanks.



If you are not familiar with AWS that's a fair assumption to make.


Actually AWS is completely separate to Amazon.com (the online retailer).

亚马逊网络服务(AWS)是一种云计算该平台可让您运行虚拟服务器,数据库,存储和许多更高级别的托管服务.您应该考虑在此处运行PHP服务器,对于绝对初学者来说,一个很好的起点是 LightSail ,您可以在几分钟内创建LAMP堆栈.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that allows you to run virtual servers, databases, storage, and many higher level managed services. You should consider running your PHP server on there, a good starting point for absolute beginners is LightSail, where you can create a LAMP stack in minutes.

回到您的原始问题,要获取产品详细信息,您需要使用 Amazon Marketplace Web服务(MWS),特别是 GetMatchingProductForId 并输入您的ASIN编号.

Back to your original question, to get product details you need to use Amazon Marketplace Web Services (MWS), specifically the GetMatchingProductForId and pass in your ASIN number.


See here for a PHP Example, the important parts of that example, for you to expand on, are:

public function getProductById($ProductID, $IdType = 'ASIN') {
    $request = new MarketplaceWebServiceProducts_Model_GetMatchingProductForIdRequest();
    if (!is_array($ProductID)) {
        $ProductID = array($ProductID);
    $idList = new MarketplaceWebServiceProducts_Model_IdListType();
    $response = $this->service->GetMatchingProductForId($request);
    return $response;


10-24 07:06