

我想使用php mailer类发送html格式的图像,但下载后的图像显示在邮件中。但是我想显示图像而不下载。在邮件类中有任何选项,还是有其他方法。

hi i want to send a image in html format using php mailer class but image show in mail after downloading. but i want to display the image without downloading. is there any option in mailer class or there is another method for this.or i have to send the the image in another format.



Well, there can be only two possible answers:

  • 你不想用eMail嵌入实际的图像文件,只需放一个< img> ; 元素连接到远程位置的图像的电子邮件,就像您将使用任何其他HTML页面一样。然后交叉手指,希望客户端启用HTML电子邮件,并允许显示远程图像。

  • you do not want to embed the actual image file with the eMail, then simply put an <img> element into the eMail linking to the image at the remote location, just like you would with any other HTML page. Then cross fingers and hope the client has HTML email enabled and allows display of remote images.

  • 您不想从远程服务器引用该文件,而是将其与eMail嵌入。在这种情况下,请参阅或

  • you dont want to reference the file from a remote server, but embed it with the eMail. In that case, refer to How To Embed Images in HTML EMail or Attaching an image to an email


08-24 16:43