

如何使用 Discord.js 列出角色中的成员。

How I can list members in a role using Discord.js.


client.on("message", message => {
    var guild = message.guild;
    let args = message.content.split(" ").slice(1);
    if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
    if (message.author.bot) return; 
    if(message.content.startsWith(prefix + 'go4-add')) {

我将如何列出所有具有 go4的成员角色在嵌入中。当在通道中输入消息 .go4-list 时,我希望漫游器以嵌入的形式进行响应。

How would I go about listing all the members that have the go4 role in an embed. When the message .go4-list is entered in a channel I would like the bot to respond with the embed.


返回 rel = noreferrer> GuildMember s。只需映射此集合即可获取所需的属性。

<Role>.members returns a collection of GuildMembers. Simply map this collection to get the property you want.


Here's an example according to your scenario:


这将从具有 go4角色的成员中输出一系列用户标签。现在,您可以 .join(...)将此数组转换为所需的格式。

This will output an array of user tags from members that have the "go4" role. Now you can .join(...) this array to your desired format.

此外, guild.member(message.mentions.users.first())。addRole('415665311828803584'); 可以缩短为: message.mentions.members。 first()。addRole('415665311828803584');


Here's a rough example of how it would look as a result:

client.on("message", message => {

    if(message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}go4-add`)) {
        message.mentions.members.first().addRole('415665311828803584'); // gets the <GuildMember> from a mention and then adds the role to that member                     

    if(message.content == `${prefix}go4-list`) {
        const ListEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
            .setTitle('Users with the go4 role:')


As @Wright mentioned in his answer, if there are over many members it will throw an error as an embed can only hold 2048 characters maximum, so you may want to do some checks before sending out the embed and then handle oversized embeds by either splitting them into multiple embed messages, or using reaction based pages maybe.


09-23 08:22