

我希望找到可以在一个网页,服务器可以响应要执行的REPL系统。有什么在那里(我假定这将不得不使用Javascript / AJAX)?如果有一个PHP实现,这将是更真棒,但现在我只是在寻找某种形式实现的。

I'm looking to find a REPL system that can be executed on a web page and that the server can react to. Is there anything out there (I'd assume it would have to be using Javascript/AJAX)? If there's a PHP implementation, it would be even more awesome, but for now I'm just looking for some kind of an implementation.


一个JavaScript REPL: http://tech.einaregilsson.com /repl.html

A JavaScript REPL: http://tech.einaregilsson.com/repl.html

在Facebook的开发的PHP REPL: http://www.phpsh.org/

A PHP REPL developed at Facebook: http://www.phpsh.org/

一个Python REPL: http://www.trypython.org/

A Python REPL: http://www.trypython.org/

一个Ruby的REPL: http://tryruby.org/

A Ruby REPL: http://tryruby.org/

一个Haskell的REPL: http://tryhaskell.org/

A Haskell REPL: http://tryhaskell.org/

的R REPL: http://rstudio.org/


10-24 09:40