我一直在为SharePoint库制作Word文档模板.但是,这些功能似乎不适用于Microsoft Edge.而不是启动模板,而是要求提供文档名称,然后在Office中打开模板. Web Apps-也似乎与Quick Parts不兼容.这是未来吗?我们是否将不再能够在表单中使用快速部件来更新库元数据?到目前为止,它仍然可以与Internet Explorer一起使用,但是已经 一场让用户不使用Chrome的战斗,我至少希望Edge能够保持功能.
I've been making Word document templates for SharePoint libraries forever. However, it appears these features don't work with Microsoft Edge. Instead of launching the template, it asks for a document name and then opens the template in Office Web Apps - which also doesn't appear to be compatible with Quick Parts. Is this the future? Are we no longer going to be able to use Quick Parts in our forms that update library metadata? So far it still works with Internet Explorer, but it's already a battle getting the users to not use Chrome, and I'd at least expect Edge to maintain functionality.
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