did produce two paths to choose from (one for python2 and one for python3 installed on my mac), so then I was able to create a ".Renviron" file in my home directory with this single line in it:RETICULATE_PYTHON="/usr/local/bin/python3"重新启动RStudio后,library(reticulate)激活所需的python3,然后repl_python()打开python3交互式窗口,等等.After I restarted RStudio, library(reticulate) activates the desired python3, and repl_python() opens a python3 interactive window, etc. etc. 这篇关于无法更改网状(R)中的python路径的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!