我的要求是,当我输入一个数字(说01 - 100),我应该能够得到该数字的ASCII码值。
my requirement is, when I input a number (say 01 - 100), I should be able to get the ASCII code value for that number.
01 = A,02 = B,03 = C,so on ....,90 = Z,如果number是91 = AA,92 = AB,93 = AC,etc ...
Ex: 01 = A, 02 = B, 03 = C, so on...., 90 = Z, and if number is 91 = AA, 92 = AB, 93 = AC, etc...
All I could get from googling, etc...was to convert int to a char, get ASCII value, but that happens only while printing using "%c" but not able to save into a CHAR or STRING.
int inputNumber=5;
char getASCIICharValue = (char)inputNumber;
printf("\n getASCIICharValue: %c \n", getASCIINumberValue);
// Above would print 'E' which is correct
printf("\n getASCIICharValue as char: %s \n", getASCIINumberValue);
// Above results in a RUN-TIME error.
While printing it is printing the values properly but while saving it to String or Char it not able to.
真的很抱歉没有正确发布我的问题,可能是我无法正确地提出问题,因为这是我的第一post ...
really sorry for not posting my issue correctly, may be I couldn't put the question properly as this is my first post...
I am editing my post which may make it little clear...
将输入将是1(或任何整数,例如1 - 100),我应该能够得到该数字的十进制的ASCII表示...
input I would enter would be 1 (or any integer, say 1 - 100), and I should be able to get the ASCII representation of that number in decimal...
assuming 1 is 65, currently what I am doing is, I am first subtracting 1 and then add 65 to it...
例如:如果输入为5,将是5 - 1 + 65 =
for ex: if the input is 5, it would be 5 - 1 + 65 =
69, which represents uppercase letter E
same way if the input is 15, my output should be Uppercase O
int main()
int i;
cout<< (char)i <<"\n";
return 0;
这篇关于从C / C ++中的数字获取ASCII字符的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!