


I want a batch file that will compare the last-modify date of two different files located in two different folders. If the local file is older than the server file, I want to overwrite the local file.

我找到的所有内容都与dir命令进行了比较,该命令仅在两个文件都位于同一文件夹(例如dir /b /OD file1.txt file2.txt)中时才起作用.

All I've found yet it a comparing the files with the dir command, which only works when both files are in the same folder (eg. dir /b /OD file1.txt file2.txt).


This is what I got actually, just need to add the comparison:

set "source=\\server\myApp.otm"
set "target=%userprofile%\Application Data\myApp\"

copy /Y /B "%source%" "%target%"
start outlook.exe /altvba "%target%\myApp.otm"

如您所见,批处理文件在此处以参数中的 VBA * OTM *文件启动Outlook.我不想每次都不需要从服务器复制10MB文件,因此需要比较last-modify日期(我想也是filesize也可以).

As you can see, the batch file is here to start Outlook with the VBA *OTM* file in parameter. I don't want to copy the 10MB file from the server each time if it isn't needed, thus the need for a comparison of last-modify dates (filesize would be okay too I guess).


尝试xcopy /d \\server\myapp.otm %userprofile%\...仅当它比本地文件新时,才会复制服务器文件

try xcopy /d \\server\myapp.otm %userprofile%\... it will copy the server file only if it is newer than the local file


08-22 19:28