My company does not have a central git server, and neither do they allow me to use BitBucket etc.
是否有我可以使用我的本地主机作为 remote
Is there anyway I can use my localhost as remote
I am on a windows machine
Local directories work just like remote repository URLs, so basically there's nothing you need to do as long as you're the only person using the repository.
示例,假设Git Bash(来自msysgit):
Example, assuming Git Bash (from msysgit):
mkdir /c/git
mkdir /c/git/testrepo.git
cd /c/git/testrepo.git
git init --bare
cd $TEMP
git clone /c/git/testrepo.git
cd testrepo
# hackety hack
git add .
git commit -m "I shouldn't be making commits like this but who's gonna sue me"
git push origin master
cd ..
git clone /c/git/testrepo.git testrepo2
cd testrepo2
# wow, all my files are here
也就是说,使用 git init
That said, just creating a normal local repository with git init
gives you a complete Git repository in which you can make commits and everything, and which you can clone and merge/pull from. Most of the time, this is really all you need.