谁能解释一下以下两种 gulp 安装方法的区别:
Can someone please explain what exactly are the differences between the following two methods of gulp installation:
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
$ sudo npm install -g gulp
在我看来,除了第一种方法给我一个 1.2.1 版本,而后者给我 3.9.1 版本之外,两者都做同样的事情
It looks to me that both do the same thing except that the first method gives me a version 1.2.1, and the later gives me version 3.9.1
Can someone put into simple terms what exactly are the differences? and plus what is "cli" stands for?
gulp-cli 的目标是让你像使用全局程序一样使用 gulp,但无需全局安装 gulp.
The goal of gulp-cli is to let you use gulp like a global program, but without installing gulp globally.
例如,如果您在全局安装了 gulp 3.9.1,并且您的项目 testGulp4 在本地安装了 gulp 4.0,如果您在 testGulp4 中运行 gulp -v
For example if you installed gulp 3.9.1 globally and your project testGulp4 has gulp 4.0 installed locally, what would happen if you run gulp -v
into testGulp4?
没有全局安装 gulp-cli:
Without gulp-cli globally installed :
CLI version 3.9.1
在这种情况下,显示的版本是 gulp 的全局版本.本地版本 4.0 完全被忽略.
In this case the version displayed is the global version of gulp. The local version 4.0 is totally ignored.
全局安装 gulp-cli:
With gulp-cli globally installed :
CLI version 1.2.1
Local version 4.0.0-alpha.2
在这种情况下,显示的版本是 gulp-cli 的全局版本和 gulp 的本地版本.全局 gulp 3.9.1 完全被忽略了.
In this case the version displayed is the global version of gulp-cli and the local version of gulp. The global gulp 3.9.1 is totally ignored.
- gulp-cli: 是首选,因为它允许您使用不同版本的 gulp.
- gulp:需要安装本地版本的 gulp.