

我现在从gstreamer.freedesktop.org安装了gstreamer 1.0,并在此处查看其教程: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/manual/html/section-elements-create.html 我遇到了一个问题,我的gst_element_factory_make()调用失败了,我认为这是此处建议的插件路径问题: Gstreamer:gst_element_factory_make ():总是失败并返回NULL:Qt5 但我找不到插件我的gstreamer安装目录中的目录.有人可以建议我如何获得这些插件以便设置路径吗?是否需要单独下载它们?(如果有的话,链接会有所帮助.)我一般来说是gstreamer和多媒体编程的新手,如果这很明显,我深表歉意.

I now installed gstreamer 1.0 from gstreamer.freedesktop.org and going through their tutorial here :http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/manual/html/section-elements-create.htmlI am facing a problem though ,my gst_element_factory_make() calls are failing and I think it is thepluggin path problem as suggested here: Gstreamer : gst_element_factory_make() : always fail and return NULL : Qt5 but I can't find a plugindirectory in my gstreamer install directory .Can anyone suggest how I can get those plugins so I can set the path?Do I need to download them separately?(A link would be helpful if any) .I am new to gstreamer and multimedia programming in general ,I apologize if this is obvious.




I don't know where does the plugins got installed for your system (windows, right?). You can search for the folder that has the plugin libs. Search for libgstplayback.so/.dll or libgstcoreelements.so/.dll and you should find it. It is likely under the folder you selected for installation but I don't know what is the default.


Then just use the GST_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to point to that and run your application.


09-26 14:27