

我正在研究用于机器人的软件,该软件通常在Raspberry Pi上运行.让我们考虑两个文件的导入:

I am working on software for a robot, which is normally run on the Raspberry Pi. Let's consider the imports of two files:


from RPi import GPIO as gpio


and client.py (communicates with the server and relays commands to the motors):

from rpi.motor import Motor

两个文件都位于名为rpi的目录中,该目录包含__init__.py__main__.py. RPi软件包不能安装在非Rpi设备上.但是,我仍然想测试client.py的功能.

Both files are in a directory called rpi, which contains a __init__.py and a __main__.py. The RPi package cannot be installed on non-RPi devices. However, I still want to test the functionality of client.py.

import unittest
from unittest import mock
# Location A

class TestClient(unittest.TestCase):
    # Location B
         # Location C

最初,我在LocA上尝试了from rpi.client import Client,但是失败了,因为它尝试导入Motor,然后从RPi(不存在)导入GPIO.我也在LocB上尝试了mock.patch("rpi.client.Motor")(包括在self之后添加mock_motor,并在LocC上导入了Client,但是也失败了.我也尝试在LocA上模拟RPi,但是它没有用)要么.

Originally, I tried from rpi.client import Client at LocA, but that failed because it tried to import Motor, and then import GPIO from RPi, which doesn't exist. I also tried mock.patch("rpi.client.Motor") at LocB (including adding mock_motor after self, and imported Client at LocC, but that failed as well. I tried mocking RPi at LocA, too, but it didn't work either.


How do you mock out a library that is not installed on your system?


您可以使用 patch.dict() 修补sys.modules并模拟RPi模块,如指向的文档所示.

You can use patch.dict() to patch sys.modules and mock RPi module as showed in pointed documentation.


Use follow code at the top of your test module:

>>> from mock import MagicMock, patch
>>> mymodule = MagicMock()
>>> patch.dict("sys.modules", RPi=mymodule).start()
>>> from RPi import GPIO as gpio
>>> gpio
<MagicMock name='mock.GPIO' id='139664555819920'>
>>> import os
>>> os
<module 'os' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/os.pyc'>


In Python3 you have same behavior.


In your specific case use patch.dict is little bit overkill; maybe you aren't interested in patch context and original state recover. So you can simplify it by set sys.modules["RPi"] directly:

>>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock
>>> mymodule = MagicMock()
>>> import sys
>>> sys.modules["RPi"] = mymodule
>>> from RPi import GPIO as gpio
>>> gpio
<MagicMock name='mock.GPIO' id='140511459454648'>
>>> import os
>>> os
<module 'os' from '/usr/lib/python3.4/os.py'>


09-13 13:22