I have subrepository structure as following in TortoiseHg:
MainFolder is a private repository on bitbucketSubFolder1 is a private repository on bitbucketSubFolder2 is a private repository on bitbucket
The file .hgsub inside MainFolder looks like this:
SubFolder1 = SubFolder1
SubFolder2 = SubFolder2
The file .hgsubstat inside MainFolder also have valid guids and subrepository names.
The problem is whenever I try to push to bitbucket for MainFolder, first it pushes the MainFolder, then SubFolder1, but when it gets to SubFolder2, TortoiseHg throws error "abort: repository is unrelated".
When i check my MainFolder repository on bitbucket, it has actually contents of SubFolder1 (it should be listed there as subrepository).
How can I fix this so that the MainFolder is correctly uploaded as parent repository and SubFolder1 and SubFolder2 are listed as its sub-repository on bitbucket?
bitbucket中显示的示例文档要求重命名存储库,以便所有存储库都命名为 MainRepository-SubRepository .我不想重命名所有存储库,因此修改了正则表达式,如下面的示例所示,它现在可以正常工作.此版本不需要在存储库名称中使用破折号,主存储库和子存储库可以独立命名.示例.hgsub看起来像这样:
The example shown in bitbucket documentation requires to rename repositories so that all the repositories are named as MainRepository-SubRepository. I didn't want to rename all my repositories so modified the regular expression as shown in following example and it works correctly now. This version doesn't require the dash separator in repository name, Main repository and sub repositories can be named independently. The example .hgsub looks like this:
SubFolder1 = SubFolder1
SubFolder2 = SubFolder2
(https://(?:[^@]+@)?bitbucket\.org/[^/]+)(/[^/]+)/(.*) = \1/\3