我有关于HTML5地理位置功能的问题。我使用下面的代码来获取位置数据。我使用enableHighAccuracy:false选项来处理Cell Based GPS功能。 Accurancy低,但反应速度太快。但有些人总是使用内置GPS与他们的手机,所以这个代码不适合他们。如果我将合格选项更改为enableHighAccuracy:true,它适用于他们。但是这一次,代码只使用内置的GPS。不是基于CELL的GPS。
i have a problem about HTML5 geolocation feature. I use the code below to get location data. I use "enableHighAccuracy: false" option to work with Cell Based GPS feature. Accurancy is low but response it too fast. But some people always use Built-in GPS with their mobile phone, so this code does not work for them. Bu if i change accurency option as "enableHighAccuracy: true" it works for them. But this time, the code uses only built-in GPS. not CELL based GPS.
问题 - >我该怎么做:首先,如果在这段时间无法获得位置,请尝试从超时(例如5000ms)的内置GPS中获取位置只要查找基于单元格的位置超时(例如10000毫秒),如果此时无法获取位置,则返回错误消息。
The question -> How can i do that : First, try to get position from Built-in GPS with timeout (e.g. 5000ms ) if position cannot be got in this time just look for Cell Based position for timeout (e.g. 10000ms) if position cannot be get in this time, return an error message .
Here is the code that i use now.
function getLocationfromGoogle() {
function(pos) {
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(pos.coords.latitude,pos.coords.longitude);
geocoder.geocode({ 'latLng': latLng}, function (results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
else {
alert('Google convertion is not succesfully done.');
},function error(msg){
alert('Please enable your GPS position future.');
},{maximumAge:600000, timeout:5000, enableHighAccuracy: false}
您应该知道这个实现在手机操作系统和手机操作系统之间有所不同 - Android上的功能可能在iOS,黑莓,WindowsPhone等设备上运行或不运行。
You should also be aware that the implementation of this varies from phone OS to phone OS - what works on Android may or may not work on iOS, BlackBerry, WindowsPhone, etc.
You're almost there, you just need to:
- 指定
) - 处理错误处理程序中的超时错误大小写。如果来自高精确度查询的错误超时,请使用
- Specify
enableHighAccuracy: true
(you have it set tofalse
) - Handle the timeout error case in the error handler. If the error from the high accuracy query is timeout, then try it again with
enableHighAccuracy: false
您还应该注意,在少数设备上进行测试时,即使 enableHighAccuracy:true
You should also note that when testing this on a few devices, it returns location derived from WiFi even when enableHighAccuracy: true
这篇关于地理位置HTML5 enableHighAccuracy真,假或最佳选择?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!