

好吧,由于缺少答复,请完全重写问题.我想要一个可拖动的窗口,但是当它被拖动时,请更改边距以扩展到窗口的旧位置. IE.窗口向右移动X,向左扩展边界.现在,我遇到了一些障碍,例如由于某种原因而将其边缘切掉的窗口.这是我的代码,让我知道您是否能发现任何东西!

Ok so complete rewrite of the question due to lack of replies. I want a window that is drag-able but as it's being dragged, alter the margin to extend as far as the old position of the window. I.e. Window moves right X, extend margin left X. Now I've hit a few snags such as the window having it's edges cut off for some reason. Here's my code, let me know if you can spot anything!

private void Window_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double TmpLeft = Math.Abs(this.Left - WinLeft);
            double TmpTop = Math.Abs(this.Top - WinTop);

        if (this.IsLoaded)
        {//depending on whether the window is moved left, right
            if (this.Left > WinLeft)
            {//depending on whether the window is moved up, down
                if (this.Top > WinTop)
                    bdr.Margin = new Thickness(TmpLeft, TmpTop, 0, 0);
                    bdr.Margin = new Thickness(TmpLeft, 0, 0, TmpTop);
                if (this.Top > WinTop)
                    bdr.Margin = new Thickness(0, TmpTop, TmpLeft+ 40, 0);
                    bdr.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, TmpLeft, TmpTop);

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            WinLeft = this.Left;
            WinTop = this.Top;
            bdr.Height = this.ActualHeight;//I set these because they are auto
            bdr.Width = this.ActualWidth;  //before the window opens


At the moment the whole window (set window background to yellow so I can see the margin) is moving, where as I want the top left corner of the margin to remain in place. I've also noticed that the area I click on to drag the window (a border) tends to move around as well so is no longer under my click as I move the window. Hope that's clear, comment any further questions.



So I'm trying to create an application that has a pop up window with a pointer/line coming from the child window to a particular place in the parent window. I achieved this like so;

<Border Name="brdr" Margin="40,0,0,0" >



Notice the 40 left Margin on the border that makes the window larger than it appears so that the Polygon sticks out to the left and points to the parent window (If there's a better/cooler/more elegant way of doing this, I'm all ears).

所以工作正常,但现在我希望指针是动态的.如图所示,如果子窗口被拖动,则指针必须相对于父窗口的位置进行缩放. IE.它必须看起来像两个窗口都通过该行连接在一起.现在我的计划是记录子窗口在其上打开的点(因为它相对于父窗口打开,因此在初始化时是正确的),然后使用该位置与新位置点之间的差值(拖动后)来查找新点该行应该去.我的代码可能说得比以往任何时候都好...

So that worked fine but now I want the pointer to be dynamic. As in, if the child window gets dragged the pointer must scale relatively to the parent window's location. I.e. it must appear as if the two windows are attached via the line. Now my plan was to record the point the child window opens on (because it opens relative to the parent window, it's correct when it initialises) and then use the difference between this and the new location point (after dragging) to find the new points that the line should be going to. My code probably says it better than I ever could...

    private void Window_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.IsLoaded)
            brdr.Margin = new Thickness(Math.Abs(this.Left - WinLeft) + 40, Math.Abs(this.Top - WinTop), 0, 0);
            Pointer.X1 = Math.Abs(this.Left - WinLeft);
            Pointer.Y1 = Math.Abs(this.Top - WinTop) + 55;
            Pointer.X2 = Math.Abs(this.Left - WinLeft) + 40;
            Pointer.Y2 = Math.Abs(this.Top - WinTop) + 50;

    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        WinLeft = this.Left;
        WinTop = this.Top;


As you can see I have to set the window margin so that it extends to the old position. Then I reset the Line coords to the new values. All these values are calculated, like I said, by comparing the opening window coords to the current coords.


My problem is, this isn't right. Would be very impressed to see someone able to figure this out.


实际上找到了一种很好的方法.我要做的是设置子窗口的WindowState="Maximized",然后将除Line之外的所有内容都放置在Canvas中,并遵循 http://denismorozov.blogspot.ie/2008/01/drag-controls-in-wpf-using.html (很棒的文章),我可以使其能够在窗口周围移动.我对行进行了硬编码,以便在窗口打开时它处于正确的位置.由于Line的一个点不应移动,因此只需更新Canvas_MouseMove事件中的另一个点即可;

Actually found a great way of doing this. What I did was I set the child window's WindowState="Maximized" then placed everything except the Line in a Canvas and by following http://denismorozov.blogspot.ie/2008/01/drag-controls-in-wpf-using.html (great article) I could make it so that I could move around my window. I had hard coded the line so that when the window opens it's in the correct position. Since one of the points of the Line shouldn't move, it was just a matter of updating the other point in the Canvas_MouseMove event like so;

Point p = border.TransformToAncestor(this).Transform(new Point(0, 0));
Line.X2 = p.X;
Line.Y2 = p.Y + 50;


Very simple way of getting your window to display relative to the parent window if you want a line joining the two. It gives the appearance of moving the window, but your actually moving a control around a maximised transparent window.


08-24 18:20