

我找到的唯一解决方案是($(this).innerHeight() - $(this).height())/ 2

但是/ 2不是正确的选项,因为用户可以有padding-top:0px和padding-bottom:20px。


我在考虑 css('padding-top')然后解析它,通过只取int部分,但值可以在em例如而不是px




但是,请确保您已清楚了解您的插件的规格。如果元素没有用于填充的css设置,它应该返回什么?应该返回此元素上的样式还是返回计算的样式?对于无效的css会发生什么(例如padding-top:10 unitsThatDontExist;'或'padding-left:two;')?

//docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoringrel =nofollow noreferrer>让你开始 - 这是你自己的插件在你的代码中的样子:

  var topPadding = $('#anElement')。padding('top'); 




var intPart = this.css padding-'+ direction).getIntegerPart();
var unit = this.css('padding-'+ direction).getUnit();

return intPart;
return ConvertEmToPx(intPart)

The only solution i have found is ($(this).innerHeight() - $(this).height()) / 2

But / 2 is not right option, because user can have padding-top:0px and padding-bottom:20px.

Is there a way to make more accurate padding values?

I was thinking about css('padding-top') and then parse it, by taking only int part, but value can be in "em" for example and not in "px"

Then make switch statement for each value type? For em one, for px another?

It's all a bit complicated and takes more space in code...


One of the main strengths of jQuery is that it is so pluggable, so if you have a need that is not immediately satisfied by the library, there's a vast landscape of plugins to search. And if there is none that does what you want, it's really easy to roll your own.
I think the right way to go here, if you can't find a plugin that does what you want, is the last one: to write your own.

However, make sure that you are clear with yourself on the specs of your plugin. What should it return if the element has no css setting for padding? Should it return the styling on this element, or the computed style? What happens for invalid css (say 'padding-top: 10 unitsThatDontExist;' or 'padding-left: two;')?

To get you started - this is what using your own plugin could look like in your code:

var topPadding = $('#anElement').padding('top');

To make that available, just write a plugin like this:

$.fn.padding(direction) {
    // calculate the values you need, using a switch statement
    // or some other clever solution you figure out

    // this now contains a wrapped set with the element you apply the 
    // function on, and direction should be one of the four strings 'top', 
    // 'right', 'left' or 'bottom'

    // That means you could probably do something like (pseudo code):
    var intPart = this.css('padding-' + direction).getIntegerPart();
    var unit = this.css('padding-' + direction).getUnit();

    switch (unit)
        case 'px':
            return intPart;
        case 'em':
            return ConvertEmToPx(intPart)
            // Do whatever you feel good about as default action
            // Just make sure you return a value on each code path


10-16 23:20